matriax's Forum Posts

  • X3M I want to paint all the mesh using one texture that allows me set different image for each face(full control), A better example:

    But i don't know how select all the faces to unwrap the uvmap and get like the above image. ¿?. This is what i though Babylon3D will do on create the NewMesh, but if not is possible my idea is create my own basic library.

    Also, the 0.6 will have animated textures using the frames as we have for sprite objects?

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  • fuego96 Just saw a tutorial that how bake shadows (

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    ) on blender and seems is more complicated than i though, using nodes and lots of things by "BlenderGuru". I will wait to see if there is anyway to do in C2 or at least some way to add shadows in a good way.

    Also i want to do a .capx with various basic objects(.OBJ) like boxes, spheres, stairs, pyramid,etc... with their texture UVmap for all the faces, some kit for fast prototyping. I started with the Box, but i can't get the blender create me the UVmap like this: ... /crate.jpg

    Why is all too complicated in 3D? XD

  • matriax Correct, actually the name will not be accounted for anymore, but I will leave it there just to distinguish between your meshes on the layout. But it will not be used anymore by the engine.

    No, since you won't need the mesh name anymore. From now on (This applies only for the NewXXX plugins) you will access things with Pick by UID just like Sprites.

    Oh! This are awesome news, thanks!


    fuego96 Hey great demo! The baked lights looks great.

    Is there anyway to bake all the shadows of the scene in a single texture, 2048x2048 or whatever, and add some filter blur in photoshop and apply this texture in the scene in some way?

    X3M Can Babylon3D do that itself? Actually uses a "shadow map" for the real time ones. Have any option to export or bake the shadows? I don't know how bake shadows works, i guess i'm asking something impossible but well i have to try, for people that only wants to use the C2 layout as editor.

  • X3M About using mesh as Sprites. When you say clone you mean duplicate? I know is confusing is simply to be clear (Duplicate= Same object name with diferent UID / Clone=Different object Name and UID)

    if in the C2 layout i create a NewMesh.Object and i duplicate that object(Not clone) creating various instances, that means all the objects will have the same name but different UID, if in the events i set: On Player collide with Coin=Destroy coin. Will affect to all the coins? Also, i guess will works for duplicate NewMesh.objects in realtime.

    And about the mesh name, we still will have to change the mesh name for each duplicate coin to get this works?.


    About the raycast/laser behaviour, if returns the first mesh that intersects with the laser/raycast in front the camera, being "front the camera" the center of the render, yes, i guess will work. If is possible set an "offset" will be great, because if we add an interface in the bottom/top, the center of the aim can change, i don't know if i'm explaining well, BTW, for the moment that have to works thanks!.

  • fuego96 I already reported this issues weeks ago, also happens with the light and other plugins, at least when was reported. I guess he is focusing in other plugins an get all works like have to be or i hope for the 0.6 after the last news.

  • matriax Send me your capx. Parenting the laser to the camera should do it. But I still don't know why my demo didn't work for you, maybe Its because I'm using the 0.6 which is still in developpement.

    fuego96 Unfortunately thats not on my to do list for this particular plugin. It will be done for a different product.

    X3M Oh well! if you are using a 0.6 version then i guess is fixed. This is my .capx: ... ycast.capx

    I guess this is not how have to be done but is the unique way comes to my mind.

    BTW, this have to be more easy. Some Raycast/AIM behaviour on we can add to the camera and options to pin to Position/Rotation and set the position of the screen where the aim center is on our game and forgot to do all this events. Or add the behaviour to the Mesh.Laser and a field to set the parent object you said as: "Camera".

  • >

    > Change it to 1000,0.5,0.5


    Changed the "direction" of the laser, but, it appears the laser mesh'es Y position was simply too low. Changing the laser mesh position to (0,50,0) worked for me (just how did it ever work for you???)

    And on to a different subject, by the way, can you implement ShaderMaterial ? I can't wait to use some from Shadertoy

    fuego96 I'm trying the laser starts from the camera to infinite and get moved and rotate with the camera pos, and rotation, to get a real aim, but i can't get it, can you?

  • X3M Mmm not works for me, tested on NW.JS and browsers and this is how looks:

    The laser is always in that position. What can be?

    Also in my FPS tests to launch bullets happens the same, the bullets are launched to the left instead in front the camera.

    In this .capx i not edit nothing, simply open and run and this is the result. I tried also desactivate one of the methods but the same none works.

  • X3M Oh raycasting! I don't know this was already added, i was looking in the Mesh expresions, seems the Scene expresions have some things interesting too.

    About do the things correctly sounds promising, then waiting for the 0.6

  • X3M Is it possible to implement Raycast?

    So you would not have to create an object for each bullet, simply a sprite where the lightning strike, similar to how it is used in Unity.

    MATAGUIRIS And if i want to do a bazooka launching misiles?

    BTW, this is a good example that how create/clone/duplicates or whatever in Babylon3D on they need to have the same behaviour to move and actions for all them to collide. I mean different Bullets againts different mesh objects on they have assigned behaviours and actions.

    For sprite.objects is easy, simply on press X > Hero-Spawn bullet & set angle of motion=Player.Angle. After that when bullet collides with an EnemyFamily = Destroy Bullet and EnemyFamily. After that you simply add the different enemies to the family and you can put 20 in the level or whatever and all will works.

    Because C2 on create/spawn an object create duplicates(Other instance with the same name) not a clone(Different name and instance).

  • X3M Talking about cloning a mesh in realtime using the "Clone Mesh" action on NewMesh.Objects.

    If we want to shoot bullets for a FPS using the MeshArray, how we do that?

    Can you please make a video/template on you can move/rotate the camera and pressing some key a bullet is created in front the camera and goes forward. And this bullet on collision with another mesh destroys both?.

    Edit: Maybe a bullet behaviour like we have on C2 for 2D objets will be great, will make the things more simple i think.

  • Unfortunately it's not possible

    BTW, the "Set Name" of the mesh action is confirmed for the 0.6? Not will be elegant but i guess on events to a family of mesh objects do a "For each" > "Set Name" to whatever we want and fixed.

    [quote:yz6ckkap]Again no one of you has made a capx where he explains why C2 cloning method is easier and better , and I mean an example in which you clone a sprite and then control one of them.

    If the example is much simpler and clearer than my method with MeshArray, then I'll rewrite all the new plugins. So its up to you to prove it.

    This time i'm not was talking about clone objects in realtime and control them, i guess you refer to gamecorpstudio. I'm talking about duplicate objects in the C2 layout to create my level from scratch and after that in events set actions that affects to all the duplicates, that can be items like coins, diamonds,etc... without use MeshArrays, loopindex, duplicate events and all that.

    As you can see in the video i have in the C2 layout a level designed with duplicated items to pick. This trick only works for NewMesh.Objects not for cloned in realtime or scenes from 3D editors, as i said i prefer do all in C2 also i guess will works for Obj-Js.mesh or i hope.

  • Hey fuego96 great demo! Used some 3D editor? In that case what you use?


    Well, Seems i get something, is a "dirty trick" but works XD.

    No Mesh Array, No loopindex expresions, No duplicate events or other stuff.

    With a single event working on a family you can add whatever mesh object to set an action without worry about nothing more. (This trick only works with NewMesh objects created in C2 layout)

    Here the video:

    The unique thing still i can't get is avoid the mesh naming in the properties. Still i have to put Coin1, Coin2,etc....

    X3M Is possible that Babylon3D on runtime automatically fill the Mesh name in the render? Something like:


    (Or whatever that gives an unique name for that mesh)

    So with that totally C2 workflow, you duplicate objects in the C2 layout without worry about mesh naming and apply actions to different objects in a single clean event.

  • X3M About the create objects my question was if when in events we clone a mesh in the render, Babylon3D also creates their Mesh.Object to be linked and use C2 native functions but seems is not.

    I think at the end i will continue my method i started in 0.2 to use mesh.objects in the same way we use sprite.objects, but using events to link/represent sprites-mesh without set name, mesh arrays and all this stuff.

    But first i'm going try to hack in some way the actual NewMesh to do the same.

  • [quote:dfvjqorl]not really, you clone both just when they are cloned they are not linked as 1 object. that is why the visual object clone is not reacting. unless u set the name in the properties. which you cant since the function "set name" cant be called by event expression.

    X3M can you tell us if the NewMesh.Object is also cloned on "Clone Mesh" or only the 3D object in the Babylon Scene Render?

    No in my tests, Using the Babylon action of "Clone Mesh" The NewMesh.objects are not cloned only the objects in the 3D scene of the Babylon render.

    Create a NewMesh object, set clone mesh in events 10 times. Then add a textbox that on press any key show NewMesh.Count. This will show one, because you only have one object created that C2 can handle without Babylon3D action/functions, but in the render you will see 10 mesh objects, one that C2 can manage because exist internally with their UID etc... and the others that only exists in the 3D render that are invisible for the C2 native functions.

    About the second thing, i'm not saying is a issue, i'm saying that we can't do all that because C2 don't know that exists, Q3D can have it in the same way, but we are not doing another Q3D, i want Babylon3D be much more in all ways and have a great potential to be, just i can't believe there is no way to manage mesh.objects like sprite.objects without mesh arrays, set names and other stuff