matriax's Forum Posts

  • blackhornet I see, reading seems there are some workarounds like do some edit in the preview.js(But link is dead) or other stuff but i not understand very well, R0J0hound can you clarify that? So, using the paster plugin(WebGL) if i paste an image in the Paster plugin canvas there is no way to read that RGBA values like in Canvas plugin?

    What i do actually is "snapshot canvas", load imageURL on a sprite then paste into Canvas plugin, so i can work with the color picker. When i finish editing my image(Using shaders on a layer ) i do another "snapshot canvas", load.imageUrl to a Sprite and paste to Paster plugin the final image size, due for some reason the "Resize Canvas" action on Canvas Plugin not works correctly on Paster is ok.

    So, there is no way or workaround to get working on your Paster Plugin?

  • Gigatron I converted one noise shader using your tool here:


    Also tried to convert that shader you posted ( but too much errors i don't know how to fix :S . So i'm looking the simple ones. Can you convert the one you posted?

  • The idea is convert the types of Tileable Noise Shaders to C2.

    Tileable Voronoise (By Matriax) ... sp=sharing

    Original shader by Rizvanner (

    Tileable Noise Clouds shader (By Matriax) ... sp=sharing

    Original shader by Xwize (

    Animated Tileable Water Caustics (By Matriax) ... sp=sharing

    (Original by Dave Hoskins >

    Tileable Fractal Brownian (By Gigatron) ... sp=sharing

    Original shader by David Hoskins (

    (Matriax edition - added 8 new parameters and changed the Category to Noise)

    Tileable Cells (By Gigatron)

    Original shader by David Hoskins (

    Tileable Cellular (By Gigatron)

    Original shader >


    If you want to contribute take one of the list and reply that you are working on it to avoid people working on the same.

    You can use the Gigatron ToolBox 0.0.7 for conversion, as i used from the Voronoise one:


    Here is a list of cool Tileable Noise shaders that will be great for C2

    All DONE!![/code:2wx5hdfl]
    Remember to add this code:
    vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
    if (p1 != 0.0 )  { uv = vTex;  uv.y =1.-uv.y; }
    uv *= p2;
    This gives the option to select if the pattern will be the original sprite resolution or any and the number of tiles.
  • Hi blackhornet due R0j0 has droped support to it, can you add the read pixels values options available on the canvas plugin to Paster plugin? And if is possible for C2 plugin too , i not have C3.

    I mean this expresions:

    I actually have to use canvas(That is like paster but without WebGL) and paster at same time due this difference, only use canvas plugin to read values(pick colors,etc..).

    Any chance?

  • I see, i was asking for a 9-Patch plugin clone adding this features:


    Load image from url

    Scale and Angle

    After talk with some SDK developers seems can be done, but after years the 9patch plugin never got updated with all this.

    So, as you said the best option to avoid all this will be ask for a new complete 9-Patch plugin with all that options. But, you have planned add that features finally on the C2 plugin? Or this 9patch features only will be available on C3 Runtime 3.0?

  • Seems even with the Pode Behaviours of Extract image Base64 and Inject image Base64 is not possible change the 9pach image on runtime? :S

  • Just discovered SpriteExt by rexrainbow to add as behaviour that can return the image from other one so using the Load Image Url action i can set any image to another sprite.

    But 9patch not have "Load Image Url" :S . Maybe some )patch extension too to load image url ?

  • Due 9patch not allows animations/frames you have to create various objects with various images.

    My idea is use a single Sprite and a 9patch and for example:

    + On start layout:

    Create 20 9patch objects and for each one, set an image from a sprite animation/frame.

    The .json only loads/saves the structure not the image data. I know there is a Base64 Import/Extractor, but wonder if there is other way like using the "Load image from url" that reads web url or data URI.

    Is there any way to just use in a 9patch: "Load image from url" and give the "Name of sprite" in some way? Or maybe there is some sprite helper or extension, or behaviour/plugin that can do this?

  • Just to say i hired Stan and was great, good price and works fast. Also provided the .capx with comments and with the desired structure, totally recommended!

  • Gigatron I think something like that can be great.

    Seems this is fractal borrownian. If is possible add perlin noise, voronise... ?

  • GabrielAlbert DM sent.

    newt But this is the link for a progress bar ¿? I mean, a Slider Bar to drag/drop and set values, steps, minimun and maximun ,etc.. maybe i explained bad ¿? i mean this:

    So, i can change for the images i want sprites/9patch or whatever to give the look.

    Edit: If you refer to recreate with events the slide bar is too much work to add all the expresions/actions to work as the same. Prefer just having it on a plugin and just one event for change the look. Or i'm missing something?

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  • Same as the official but with an event to be executed at start layout to set the image objects for the range and thumb. Is possible? How much can cost ?

  • Was looking for a Noise shader and discovered the chrisbrobs NoisePlus ( effect-noiseplus-updated22-09-15_t153033?&hilit=NoisePlus ) one and works great, also there are 4 types of noise, but they are not tileable/seamless.

    Looking how to do a tileable noise found this: ... rlin-noise

    I understand what the solutions means like the one that says map X and Y as circles to make it tileable but no idea how to implement in the shader.

    Any idea?

    Also here is a list of various GLSL noise types(Perlin, simplex, Voronoi...) ... 6e662d2f83

    Will be great a shader with all this noises in a tileable way. Maybe you guys are busy, but well i had to try R0J0hound , Gigatron . Or if you know somebody with the skills to do that please let me know.

  • Hey Whiteclaws ! Looks great. The links are broken, is there any chance you can re upload the examples? Just playing with noise right now and i have no idea how to do that. Thanks.

  • Well, i'm doing a tool similar to the PixaTool that i finished, and for this new one i want to give a better UI.

    Also due the sprites/9patch are in layout, they will still appears above all ?. Maybe if they can be done via CSS maybe there is some trick to make them invisible but functional and set my GFX there. But well, still looking for that.

    Or maybe a slideBar plugin but based on actions like the events but already done with steps, minimun and all with an action in events to set what objects to be used as gfx. Wonder if rexrainbow or r0j0 have some mod or their own version with that, time to search.