matriax's Forum Posts

  • In a Html5, if i put that code in the css style, the page displays changes from 100% to 80 to correct the W7 DPI scaled and works.

    So, the idea is try to do the same with a NW.JS app, or try another settings or approach i don't know, already lost 2 days with this and no idea how to fix it :S

    The unique way is using Letterbox integer scale, that shows the canvas correctly and images at correct size, but with black bars around it due the 25%

  • I have 1080p screen, so to make all stuff bigger i use a windows7 features that makes all 125% ppp(DPI scaling). With this the icons,letters,etc.. is much better readable.

    There is an option on the .exe aplications, in the compatibility tab to turn off that but now works, construct2 or NW.JS

    So, looking for a solution i saw you can do this in CSS

    @media only screen and( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25 ),
           only screen and(      -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 5/4 ),
           only screen and( min-resolution: 120dpi ),
           only screen and( min-resolution: 1.25dppx ) {
        body {
            font-size: 1rem;
    } [/code:1e0ggpa7]
    [code:1e0ggpa7]    @media screen and (min-resolution: 120dpi) { 
        /*body {transform: scale(0.8);width: 125%;height: 125%;margin-left: -12.5%;}*/
        body {transform: scale(0.8);transform-origin:top left;width: 125%;height: 125%;}
    Source: [url=] ... 3#24958483[/url]
    Tried to use the "CSS Import" with a .css file with that and run NW.JS, but no luck, the ratio and other stuff changed, so seems can be changed but no idea of what i'm doing, really.
    Is there any way to run NW.JS apps with the PPP feature disabled to avoid blur apps with this option enabled?
  • zenox98 Yes, i actually can do that, they just change the appearance of the sliders using CSS code, but how change that parts by sprites you have in the layout or 9patch objects? Is the thing i can't achieve :S

  • If there is no other way i guess i will have to use this method, but if is possible i prefer use the original one just changing the gfx. The original one also have step value, maximun and minimun. Also other actions/expresions that are helpful.

    So the idea is have just a css3 import to change just that gfx and keep all the options.

  • I saw some CSS custom slider .capx on the forums but when i try to download they expired, page not found,etc... :S

    Is possible to change the two parts of a slider by 9patch images? Due i want to resize the window and other stuff and need the sliders still look ok without stretch.

    Is possible?

  • Just discovered the problem, to fix is set the "unbonded scrolling" no on the layout properties. Or at least orked for me. Thanks!

  • Tried but pust the previously canvas on center, already did that. So maybe i have some option that is doing something. I tried with parallax and other stuff to fix but nothing worked. Will try to change all the properties options of the project then

  • If i try to change the canvas size on runtime the previous canvas is set at center, and the new space around him.

    Is there any way that when i change the canvas size the new space be added on the bottom and the right part only ?

  • Uh, just found that if you set "prevent rotations" to "No" there is no need of set angular damping. In fact when you set "Prevent rotations" to yes is when the sprites rotates always to infinity, weird :S .

  • Colludium Thanks for the pyramid demo!

  • I was looking for the pyramind objects one with the three physics engines comparision to do my tests that is what i'm more interested now, before redone again all the physics system in the prototype.

  • Hi, thanks for the draw shape demo. When will be available the others? I mean the first one with all the different shapes falling and the pyramid objects with the three physics comparision.

  • Oh i see! sorry! thought was like the default platform. So to use the helpers you develop needs to have the Box2D+ too first, ok.

  • Thanks! now i can add the box2d+ to tilemaps of 1x1. Erased the entire map without problems at the moment, have to test it better.

    Found another bug

    Is just adding the Box2D+ Platform behaviour to my player sprite.

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  • Colludium If allows tilemaps of 1x1 yes please. As using Box2D+ i will have to change all the physics system no problem about the changed gravity or others.

    Edit: Ok, specially i want to see the draw demo and the physics comparision Box2d/chipmunk/asm to test all options before add one or other.

    Also seems chipmunk and Box2D+ are compatibles to use in the same project right?