mapmerry's Forum Posts

  • I've heard Spriter being said quite a lot on this forum. Can you do frame by frame in that program or are you stuck with ragdoll only? At the moment I'm looking for something like flash but I would prefer one that isn't vector based.

  • When I had to reduce the size of objects in my game I found that making a history resize in photoshop then using a batch process to do all files got me a better result than the inengine editor and much faster to do.

    Sorry if this info was too late to be useful.

  • nw.js 12 and below looks for and uses local storage in: local\(game name)\Local storage

    any of the 13+ look for and use it in: Local\(game name\User Data\Default\Local Storage

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Yeah that's why I wanted to see if it worked for others before saying anything. We have tested a lot after though and never got any fails or errors in game on the Macs we tried.

  • Well having 0 coding knowledge I can only speculate at best but here's the fix someone got for me:

    in runtime.js after export.


    img_.onerror = function (e)


    img_.c2error = true;

    anyImageHadError = true;

    if (console && console.error)

    console.error("Error loading image '" + img_.src + "': ", e);


    if (this.isEjecta)


    img_.onerror = function (e)



    img_.c2error = true;

    anyImageHadError = true;

    if (console && console.error)

    console.error("Error loading image '" + img_.src + "': ", e);

    } else {


    if(img_.try===undefined) img_.try=0;







    if (this.isEjecta)

    (we also had the red loading error on linux and it fixed it there too though people don't seem to get that as often.)

    Not sure if it will the same for everyone else but it worked for us.

  • I've always just set animation frame to (x)

    then in animation section of the object: stop

  • It just feels kind of bad for me to post alterations of the engines code on their forums. Is it OK to do so?

  • My game was obviously way too big to not get the red bar loading error (thousands of animation frames , 246 megs.)

    game in question:

    But with some outside help and fiddling involving changing a few lines in the project file we managed to get a fix that worked for mac on our game.

    Pass us a tell if you would like instructions to try on your game see if it works for everyone else.

  • The game got an art update for the animations so thought i'd show a few off.

  • Works great in my game as far as I have tested but the only problem I still get is old saves still wont work without renaming and moving.

    I was wondering if it's staying with the new destination is there somewhere in the nw.js code I can edit to make it look in the old place and change the name of the save file?

  • Is this in the chromium args in the package.lson and just adding the link to the local storage folder?

    I tried doing it that way and got:

    Failed to load extension from:(path) manifest is not a valid JSON on starting the game

  • It runs my game now but my save files are gone on export. (can't use this because my games already released.)

    I use the local storage And just add the global variable information to a file. Is there any way to make my old saves work?

    Edit: so I noticed that saves have moved from:

    C:\Users\Sapphire Dragon\AppData\Local\EternalStep\Local Storage


    C:\Users\Sapphire Dragon\AppData\Local\EternalStep\User Data\Default\Local Storage

    and if I move them there then change the name form:




    I can get it working.

    Any way to get C2 to use the old destination and name?

  • When it says you can import your C2 into C3 does that mean we can even if we have third party plugins? I use moveto a lot on projects.

  • I'm wondering if anyone else is not getting a mac 32 bit release now?

    I reverted back to the nw.js before this one that I was using before but still don't get a 32bit IOS release so it may be the construct update and not nw.js.

  • I get the same. Works fine on preview blank screen on export.