mammoth's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    The current system is good, but I just think it could be easier. Here is a simple example

    Let's say you have an IAP page that you want to use in multiple games. It has several text boxes and code to go with it. It would be awesome to just export an event sheet and then import it into a new project. All of the text boxes would get copied. Then, you could export a layout and import it. Very easy and simple.

    Just a thought.

  • Everything in C3 is awesome.

    One thing that I think could be improved is copying and pasting from other projects. I ran into this problem while trying to create a game with a small group.

    Here is what I would like to see.

    The ability to export event sheets and layouts.

    If you could do this then you could import them to another project. Let's say I want to export 100 levels to another project, this would be a good way to do it.

    I think a major roadblock to copying and pasting is when one of your projects doesn't have the right objects with the right behaviors. I would love to be able to paste an event sheet, and if I am missing an object, let's say it's MobileIAP, then a dialogue box can come up saying "Do you wish to add MobileIAP to copy this data to the project?".

    This way it would be really easy to copy and paste over data.

  • Hi there,

    I have tried multiple times and I keep getting this error when trying to release a signed APK.

    Has anybody encountered this before?

  • It would be a bit more user-friendly if you could type in the sprite name and see an icon of the sprite.

  • I just saw the new video about built-in functions. I can't wait to use them. If you haven't seen the video, check it out.

    I would love to be able to put a sprite as a parameter or other objects as parameters. Currently you can do this with families, however, it can get a little messy. The reason is that occasionally you want to do the same thing to different objects in different families. I find I do have this problem where I have different objects with different behaviors.

    If I parameter could be a sprite then you could have a complex series of actions and simply pass a sprite in a function.

    It would save a lot of time if we could do this.

    Just a suggestion.

  • That's what my question was. Thank you.

  • If you are making a mobile game and you want to save a state, will that data get saved in the game or do you have to use local storage to truly save it?

  • If you are working with a few people on games, what's the best way to do it. Let's say you have a


    Graphic Artist

    Level Designer

    Has anybody done this?

  • I agree that this is more for AAA games. While it's early, and the details are not out yet, I wonder if we will have to go through the Stadia system to have that YouTube play functionality. That's the most exciting part for me.

  • I think it would be a good fit. It was just announced so I don't expect everybody will be in at launch Ashley Has Google reached out to you?

    The only way I see it not happening is if Unity paid google to not allow C3 in. I also doubt that.

  • I am trying to make simple goomba AI and for whatever reason when I have a detector, the logic only works if I have the destroy action there. If it is not there the logic doesn't work.

    Anybody have an idea what's going on?

  • I have been working on this for loop and for some reason it keeps on spawning sprites. The trigger once will true doesn't stop it as well.

  • The on finished worked but I think it would be easier if there was a way to just put up several actions and have them play one after another.

    Tween is great, but if you reverse engineer a lot of other games that do this, there are lots of tweens you have to do.

    Mostly its because their tweening has a timeline and you can tween multiple things.

  • The tween behavior is awesome.

    However, I find myself wanting to string together lots of them in sequence. Do you have to add in a wait action each time in order for this to happen?

    What does everybody do when it comes to multiple tweened actions?

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  • Hi there,

    I have been doing some prototyping and one feature I would love is to be able to pathfind with tile movement.

    I think this would be incredibly useful especially for turn based roguelikes.