lucid's Forum Posts

  • Thanks guys :)

    update 2/11: fixed the issue with changing layers. Also, upon the next release of c2, this version will work with bones

  • Hi again everyone. Got in touch with Ashley about some small changes needed c2-side to get boned projects working. In the meantime, here's a new version that works with node-webkit(for win/mac/linux executables):

    scml plugin

  • I'll work on that as soon as I get back to the c2 plug c7, and yaomon17, ashley gave me some hints as to why it wouldn't work with the node webkit, and I'll work on that as well. Thanks for your patience everyone.

  • Yung - Very soon now. I promise I will post here when it releases. Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your patience everyone.

    retrodude - You can't do that yet, but you will be able to in a future version. Can't say exactly when yet, but it's on the todo-list.

  • This Spriter looks amazing!.one question,will a game using the plugin,be allowed submission to the Scirra arcade?...Thanks.

    I haven't discussed the arcade itself with Ashley, but once the plugin is further along and it's fully integrated with C2 and stable, it will be packaged with C2. At that point I'm assuming submission would be allowed.

    will the use of Spriter based animations cause any issues with exporting to various platforms? Windows, Windows Phone, iPhone, Android, etc...? Or using frameworks like CocoonJS or PhoneGap?

    Unfortunately, I haven't had much time to research or tinker with C2 as far as CocoonJS or PhoneGap yet, but Spriter plugin is essentially an object that acts as a complex behavior on several other objects. I don't see why it shouldn't be possible to make it work, if the built-in C2 objects work.

  • for this particular animation/character yes,

    because all the frames are made up of those parts. But even in a more complex character, the vram savings are just as massive

  • Hello BluePhaze,

    the closest thing I have to hard numbers were these estimations from the Kickstarter video. I checked the vram of the exported pngs using frame by frame animations to that of the Spriter based animation, and multiplied to get the higher frame numbers:

    I didn't use a benchmarking beyond simple vram queries, and it's probably a little more complicated to get an accurate number than just multiplying, but the basic idea stands.

    The best way I can explain it is visually. Here's a spritesheet: (<img src="" border="0">

    (original link:

    look at the spritesheet as the cost of vram. In Spriter, you could recreate the same animation from roughly this amount of vram:

    <img src="" border="0">

    With traditional sprite sheets, if you wanted to make the animation twice as smooth, you would have to double the size of the spritesheet, which would take up roughly twice as much vram. With Spriter, it can tween as many frames as the engine can handle in realtime(usually over 60 on any recent device) while still using the same amount of vram.

    You could of course add variations of body parts for different facial expressions or turning the head, and make a much more complex character, animating at 60 frames per second, and still use less vram.

    It comes at the cost of a little cpu power, and some ram to hold the animation info, but vram is usually in very short supply in 2d games, while cpu power and system ram aren't. This is why games animated with modular animation like Odin Sphere and An Elysian Tail can have such large and smoothly animated characters.

  • thanks nemo and wookalar,

    I'll have more time to look into this after the very late upcoming update. For anyone interested in the upcoming update, here's the latest information, and screenshots:

  • There will be a way to do that soon nemo. The pro version is a bit delayed, but things are still moving along. You should get your pro key and download link later this month.

  • yes. thanks for the bug report. When this next version finally releases I'll be able to resume plugin work. I'm sure there's something that can be done about the collision boxes either c2 side or in the plugin.

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  • Hi all. Sorry for my extended silence. Some non-Spriter/non-Brashmonkey issues have kept me from being too active recently. There will be options to adjust the main collision box(as well as separate animateable collision boxes) in the Spriter editor. The upcoming version will also eliminate the need to do anything extra(like name each item in Spriter) to make it work in C2.

    BluePhaze, turning the animation into a spritesheet will be done through texturepacker integration, but as far as using for c2. c2 does that behind the scenes with sprite objects from what I understand. If you export each full frame as an individual image (I think that's what you're asking), you will lose the benefit of using modular animation though.

  • Not yet Guyon, but the only steps are to ensure the (temporary) scml file requirements are met, and just drag the scml file from the Spriter project into c2. Running a bit behind on that Spriter program update, but when it's ready, any scml file dropped into c2 will just work. I'll also add bone support to the plugin as well.

    thanks eyehawk and candescence

  • This thread has the info you need:

    basically just drag and drop in the actual scml file into c2

    this early version has some limitations you'll need to know about listed in the thread above.

  • there shouldn't be any limits NRA

    Yswellin, that's just the way the import process places them. I'll ask Ashley, but I'm not sure if there's an easy way to make it show the character set up correctly in the editor

  • will we be able to have 2 (or more) separate spriter scml on the same screen at once?

    as nra said this works, also, because the import puts them into a container this works as well:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    so, if there were 3 characters on screen, only the torso belonging to the same character as the clicked head would change opacity

    storm36969 Thank you very much.

    Also, to everyone else, just an update on progress:

    Working on Spriter program update currently, that will have some things such as default names for objects, and objects being local to the entire character(as opposed to the animation), which in short, both make importing much easier. This update also has some major upgrades in speed and stability, so that's what's taking all this time. When this is done, I'll update the plugin with bones, and any other new features that make it into this program build.

    Have some majorly awesome stuff coming once Spriter is a little further along, so while things are a little slow now, in about a month we should have some major expansions to what the plugin can do