lucid's Forum Posts

  • ok, the alpha is complete

    if I think of anything simple between now and tomorrow, or I notice any simple bugs I will try to correct them

    This plugin won't make much sense without a tutorial

    so I will be putting one together as quickly as possible

    and posting that along with the alpha some time in the next few days, hopefully today (Oct7)

    This plugin serves 4 main functions. The first 2 are mostly complete in the alpha, all that remains is tweaks to streamline the workflow, and whatever comes up in this alpha test. The other 2 are not complete, and so not included in this alpha release.

    • To enable creation and manipulation of data structures, called supers, which enable unified conceptual organization of data, object instances, and object types. For instance, one could create a thing called a "party"(a super), which has a "name" (string), a "rating" (number), and contains an array of "characters" (array of supers). Each "character" has "hitpoints"(number), a "name"(string), an "inventory"(array of object types),"armor"(super), and a "weapon"(super). Each "weapon" consists of "strength"(number), "name"(string),and "sprite"(object). Any array can have data overwritten, inserted, or removed at any point in the array. Also ready for the alpha the ability to save and load the entire hierarchy in an encrypted format.
    • To allow unlimited control in picking. the ability to loop through, pick, unpick, toggle, pick only, or pick all of any object instance or type stored, and the ability to perform this picking as either the original object or as a family
    • To enable python to be used with the (SOL)picking system in construct
    • To augment the math functions already included in construct with more math functions, and also to integrate math functions into the data structure system to allow operations to be conducted on arrays of data, or applied to arrays of objects(such as interpolating the positions an angles of an array of objects with a single action). Also, expressions that can be applied to arrays of data for a single answer, such as an average of numbers, or a concatenation of strings. One function is included in this release - Seeded Random
  • quazi, there's certain stuff that's just nicer with scripting

    when you learn c++, you'll see how certain things are just easier that way;

    however, saying that scripting is not useful in construct without realizing/mentioning scripting is broken probably means he hasn't tried much

    also, xombul, if you feel comfortable with c++, you should try making plugins

    anywho, back to the thread topic

    yeah, construct is lightyears ahead of secondbest in this gamemaker genre

    it's the only one I've seen where you really don't have to make compromises as far as quality

    the fact that most questions are answered with Cap examples speaks volumes about it's ease of use

  • finally checked it out

    very nice

    especially the transition example

    makes even the simple example scene look pretty dynamic

  • global('FASTMODE')

    not sure about your interface problems though

  • sprites have to be facing toward the right

    that is 0 degrees

    so if you had a sprite of an arrow like this ---->

    that would follow the mouse with the actions you said

  • try doubleclicking the event sheet in on the project pane

    sometimes construct starts up without it open, and thats how I fix it

  • I think the problem is that the families are not in the containers

    the objects are

    and since the families have their own picking SOL

    it can't work

    whenever my new plugin comes in, you'll be able to do this

    and yes, I think pairer could solve this as well

  • excellent job

    very visceral

    love the eraser bits

  • pretty...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • What in the name of-


    HOLY HELL. Awesome! Though, I imagine trying to actually build anything in 3D more complicated than a box is gonna, well, but somewhat difficult.

    the plugin im working on will make creating editors and loaders (of any kind, not just 3d) much easier

    remind me when i release the plugin, and i'll make a 3d model editor example

  • whoa, did lucid really say that?

    just kidding

    awesome work again quazi

    I don't know if it's supposed to be like that, but the red axis doesn't rotate with the others

    because of this you can make two axises overlap, and become the same

    definitely going to include this in the math portion of thangs

  • guys

    it's Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B Select Start

  • you would control the family one through the family name

    like circle is in family shape

    if circle collides with shape

    move circle to the left

    move shape to the right

    they're still both circles, but you can control them seperately

    by using the object and it's family as separate entities

  • I apologize to those I said I'd have an alpha release for today

    took a little longer than expected, plus there's really no point in trying to release this without tutorials

    so, without an ETA, let me just say it's almost ready (the alpha that is)