lucid's Forum Posts

  • wow

    that's awesome

    and that was fast

    thank you, arima

    if you're comfortable with making this a community project

    let's see if we can use this as groundwork

    and figure out the cropping thing

    along with the other features that were in the other post.

    this is good stuff though

    didn't expect it to be this far along so quicklike

  • not sure what you mean

    unless you mean:

    Script-Event communication

    Events can retrieve data from scripts via the Python system expression. For example, the expression:


    will return the content of the variable x. Similarly:


    will return the value returned from calling the function myfunc in script. Further, you can use the system condition Python Compare, to directly compare a python variable in an event, such as the variable "x" greater than 100.

    Scripts can trigger events by using the Function Object. The Call routine of the Function object takes two parameters: the function name, as a string, and the forget/remember picked objects option, which can be left as 0 (for Forget). For example:

    Function.Call("My function", 0)

    if not, what do you mean?

  • you know about this one, right?

  • no, but seriously

    is it possible?

    are they just used as expressions that evaluate to boolean values?(not at home to test)

  • spritefont has been on the far backburner for a while. i have an annoying small amount of free time, but I understand spritefont is important for serious projects, and I don't want to neglect the userbase, just because I'm not currently using it myself. I will do my best to work on it at least a little at a time, and to also maintain the compatibility with current caps.

    I need to make tutorials again for it, updated, and I also need to remove some half-implemented features, or complete their implementation. But most importantly, I've had people from time to time report to me in pm, that doing certain combinations of things cause letters not to appear. it's all very idiosyncratic, and confusing, and spritefont was written when I was just beginning to really understand c++, so the code is a mess. I've searched for the source of these problems, but so far I've come up empty. I really need to see all these problems side by side to find the connection.

    One thing I can say, is purposefully spritefont does not save any information about anything except that which can be edited in the properties pane. this is because it relies mainly on having pointers to spritetypes, and sprites which will change each time the exe is loaded. So if your problem involves loading a saved game, or changing layouts, and not initializing the sprite types on loading again, see if that will fix the problem.

    also, I have a hunch some of these issues will change (for better or for worse) if you use either multiple instances of the same spritefont, or an additional spritefont types (copy, paste clone)

    in short, if you've ever sent me, or offered to send me caps where you were able to isolate problems, and make them stop happening through some weird nonsensical method, please repost them here, with the description. I will hunt through the old PMs also, and see if those links are still working as well. if you can't post your cap publicly, please pm me a link. Don't be discouraged if I don't respond immediately. I will be looking into all of this, and trying to find the common thread. It definitely seems like all the current bugs, are really just one big bug buried in there somewhere.

    so, if you have the time, and you've had issues with spritefont. please help me fix it, and bring it into the 1.0.

    also, I'm interested in getting a small group (after some brave soul lays the groundwork) to write a cap using the image manipulator, to create a tool to more easily cut up sprite sheets. there are a few requirements that have been requested in the past that should be included if someone is going to take the time to make this. but honestly it's much needed, and I really don't have the time right now to make it. interested parties, please post here. if it's an open cap file, with a main person, we can assign the smaller duties to other people as it goes along to make this happen quickly and smoothly

    for anyone who wants to have at it. The main requested features that I can name off the top of my head are:

    take a sheet of fonts and split it into multiple named or numbered files

    a more visual interactive way of seeing a simple grid split of the sprite sheet, twisting knobs, or dragging lines to get the grid alignment just right

    the ability to easily drag this grid out of alignment in selected spots, or quickly drag and drop squares around letters that don't fall perfectly evenly spaced. it should be simple enough to be convenient in a spritesheet that has no evenly spaced letters at all

    also, the ability to automatically cut the sheet up into uneven pieces based on a colored separator (say a pink line). I can't remember the name of the software, but there is a large library of spritefont sheets made with colored separators, so this would be a very useful feature, once someone reminds me of what the name of that app is.

    thanks everyone for using spritefont, and reporting those bugs

    I think there's only one or two bugs before it's fully stable, and ready for primetime

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  • the "nameless" thread was one catalyst that made me write this, yes. but honestly its been a general vibe im getting from here lately. ranging from these flame wars to more subtle "help" threads, where it seems like the "helper" is spending more time expressing how easy everything is, if they would just accept scirra as their lord and savior blindly, rather than the 2 seconds it would take to whip up a cap file, demonstrating everything and post it along with some pointers to the wiki and the platform school.

    its all shifted from a "let me show you an easy way to do that" feel, to a "whats wrong with you? dont you see how easy this is?" feel.

    its not everyone, not even the majority, but given how scarcely i read through some of the forums lately, its enough that i noticed it, so id imagine weve turned off some potential users.

    this is the one package where you can answer someones quesstion within 5 minutes with an actual working example. thats what makes people flock to construct. im just saying, construct is further along than ever. nowss the time where we can really show this thing off. dont take it upon yourselves to turn the community into an elitest member's only club

    be helpful in help threads, and if someone hates math too much to achieve a certain thing, or someone has a misguided feature request, or criticism for construct, be civil, or leave the thread alone. youre not impressing anyone. this is not the place for your power trip. there are only a handful of peopl who are really godly with construct, and theyre usually not the problem. leave the godliness to construct itself, and help the newcomers find the light

  • isn't it though?

    if you think this is about you, it probably is, (not just one person)

    stop it. if you have over a hundred posts, you a reflection on the tone of the entire community.

    the rest of us are not interested in being lumped in with the image you're projecting.

    these forums have maintained a reputation of being welcoming, and helpful.

    not meanspirited, cliquelike, and elitist.

    if you're in a bad mood, or a post makes you angry, or makes you feel superior to someone who doesn't understand construct yet. find another outlet.

    people who haven't been here using the software don't owe us some kind of awe-inspired respect. they're free to be skeptical and cynical and wrong about construct. and chances are you don't know enough about construct or software development in general to talk down to even a total noob.

    it's the very fact that construct contradicts everything we've come to assume about software development that makes it so noteworthy. people don't need to be attacked for their incorrect assumptions. it should be the expected initial reaction. you should be helping usher them into understanding the differences, helping adapt their way of thinking toward the event/picking driven construct way, pointing them in the right direction for help, or providing encouragement. if that doesn't sound like something worth your time or effort, than perhaps you should save the reply button for when you have something more constructive to add.

  • a button to add # to the beginning of each selected line in the python editor

  • let's say I want to have a MouseKeyboard.OnClick event within python

    it that possible?

    I know all the python commands are in place for conditions

    but I don't know/understand if/how they can be used.

    EDIT:solution down there somewhere

  • this'll probably be skewed somewhat

    take me for instance. I've haven't used python yet, because up till now, the response to almost anything python related has been:

    "python is broken right now, don't use it"

    until the recent fix

    python was kinda missing the main thing that makes construct easy and neato: picking

    so, answer: pre-pyfix-plugin - never

    post-pyfix-plugin - all the time

    now when I am prototyping something very complex, I can do it with 's' and python, and then reuse and combine the code from several prototypes later in a full game.

  • beautiful

    thanks again ash 'n' pals

    when I get my tax returns I'll donate some to scirra

  • I think it was more the several doubts scirra title that was irking

  • and i believe my cap was 99.7 as well

    you8 dont need the line plugin

    i think its just making it more confusing for you

    the cap i made is simple

    draw an arrow sprite facing toward the right

    with the hotspot on the left


    ---sprite-set angle towards position-mousex,mousey

    ---sprite-set width to distance(.x,.y,mousex,mousey)

  • is this what you mean?:

  • I think end users will have to install python

    I could be wrong

    also, btw, I editted this post at the top

    I know it's nicer to have it fixed natively in construct

    but this plugin addresses all the python problems I'm aware of

    I was wrong about system actions

    so you should have fully functional python now