lionz's Forum Posts

  • It is going down a complex route, to stop this going on forever I would just look at making an array and manipulating it so that you are comfortable with what each action does, if you are going to be relying on them for the cards. The best way to use them might be to have the card stored at 0,0 displayed, then the card stored at 1,0 displayed so you can easily run through the co-ords of the array and display each card in order.

    Every time you collect a card just push it to the back of the array, you can worry about things like arranging in alphabetical order later on. Push the card values onto the X 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 etc and practice switching between each value in the array to display the card associated with that stored value. If 'Dragon' was the first card, stored at 0,0 then you display 'Dragon', then a right key press will display 1,0. Start with the basics then branch out from there when you are comfortable with using arrays. I found that when you are using arrays, using the Debug view is helpful. You can see what is appearing in the array in the debug layout at the bottom.

  • You could run a check, there is a 'Does array contain value' and check for 1. Then you'd have to start from the current co-ord and run a check for the next 1.

  • Well I guess the card is a Sprite and you just change the animation or frame of an animation to change card? If (0,1) is a particular card then you have to decide if that's a Sprite, a SpriteAnim or a frame of an Anim. You can even go as far as when you add a card to the array, it creates a new Sprite, with animation and texture and a load of variable stats and things, depends how detailed you want to go.

  • Yeah you could make a CurrentCard variable which is co-ord in the array and then +/- 1 as you navigate between them to show each card. Then you need a check that grabs what card it is so if at (0,1) is 'Dragon' it knows to show the 'Dragon' card, then you go to the next item in the array etc. Have a go at adding strings and numbers to an array and retrieving their values and you'll soon figure it out.

  • Again lots of ways to do it but if you want to achieve multiple versions of the same card you could have them in an array as such [Wizard, Paladin, Dragon, Wizard, Dwarf] which is just a store of all of the cards they own. You can then run checks for how many of each they have if you need to know that. I don't really know how you're going to be displaying the cards so the method you use is probably determined by that.

  • You can allocate each card to an array slot and then fill it with 1 if they achieve a certain card, so it just looks like a table of 0s and 1s where 1 means they have the card. You can then save this in local storage. That is how I would do this kind of thing but there are plenty of ways. You could also just add any cards they have to the array once achieved so it's just a list of cards. I was concerned with arrays too but once I decided to make my own inventory and understood how you can manipulate them some more then they became very useful.

    This is useful : ... -beginners

  • Open up your Sprite2 in the image editor, the origin point has been moved way off to the right. Move it to the middle should be good to go.

  • Create a global variable for playlist number. Imagine them in a playlist each with an allocated number. Put some buttons on the layout. Set your logic to if(Global Variable=1), Play > Song1, if(2), Play > Song2, if(3), Play > Song3 etc. When stop is pressed, Stop current audio. When play is pressed, Continue playing current audio.(global variable will already be set). To display song name you need a text box that displays Song.Name and fit that into the previous logic. If skip is pressed then increase global variable by 1, will play next song. If prev is pressed, reduce global variable by 1, will play previous song.

  • The microtransactions are usually for third party like iOS Store, Google Play Store, Amazon Store. There are plenty of tutorials for these and I've looked into this myself. As for linking users to your own website to pay for things I have no idea.

  • Yeah you should be looking to get it below 100mb

  • Something about a decryption key, can't see it

  • Post a link to the basic .capx and it can be resolved.

  • What happens when you just set pink and red to the same location without any other logic?

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  • Yes it is possible to create a game with micro transactions.

  • It only loads what's needed for the first layout so the memory usage must be huge, or it's some other performance issue like maybe your PC spec.