Yes in project properties on the left the 'Fullscreen in browser' is set to 'letterbox scale' by default, try some of the other options like Scale or Crop to show the full browser.
If you're going to work the logic in that way then you have to set the animations based on the current bullet angle of motion.
Hi, in event 51 you need to add a set level to 1 action.
Yeah you can just create those and set their position during run time.
Are you sure you have enough layers already? haha. I don't see a problem with having each in their own layer which you lock and then move them to the correct layer on start of layout. I wouldn't deal with 200 objects in the editor though, I would find out what I wanted to do in game and make logic to create them during run time, but that's me.
Events 13-16 you're checking if Joystick is greater or less than its own x,y? Shouldn't that be Joystick.x greater than Back.x etc
I don't know what else to say except yes that should work.
I would do :
Every tick set animation frame to 'variable'
Bullet on collision with red block, add 1 to 'variable'
Bullet on collision with red block
and variable = 3, set variable to 0.
Keep the layers the same across the layouts and it'll be fine. If it's on layer 4 (by order, not name) on layout 1 it will remain on layer 4 in the list on layout 2.
At the start of layout, set a global variable to be Coins.count, then set the text to show the global variable.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Create a sprite on click down, set its angle to touch and increase its height as you move away from initial touch.x, touch.y. ... .capx?dl=0
It's the first one with an & before Coins.count. It is an expression, don't put it inside ""
Coins is the object, whatever you called it.
Hiya, number of coins in layout is coins.count
Fairly easy to do although the tweaking of actual force values is up to you. On mouse button released you would apply a force toward position (physics behaviour) on the ball, where the position is mouse.x,mouse.y. To change the force based on drag distance you could detect the distance between initial click and button release and add this value to the default force value, so the longer the distance then its force+distance, it will travel further.