lionz's Forum Posts

  • I don't understand the need for the text, you would just set choose(a,b,c,d,e,f) right? Or are you saying the values are unknown or change during the game?

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  • I liked how you used instance then said for instance, that confused me for a sec. Anyway...

    I would approach this by matching them up as follows. Doors have IDs, but don't pair them in that way.

    Door A, the ID is 0.

    Door B, the ID is 1.

    Lets say they work as A goes to B, B goes to A like portals.

    You have a variable on the door additional to ID, something like GoTo.

    Door A, ID=0, GoTo=1.

    Door B, ID=1, GoTo=0.

    When you overlap a door, you teleport to a door where door being overlapped.GoTo = door.ID.

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  • Good effort, nice idea to bring something new to match 3.

  • You need to change the values to variables rather than static numbers that don't change but the problem is you don't have a defined total, if you start with 100HP then you gain a potion that increases your hp to 200, it's not clear what the design is for hp, it keeps increasing as you get more potions with no max limit? What you need is a max limit for hp defined as a variable first so maxHP, then you calculate hp% = hp/maxHP*100. So if you put in 25 out of 100 or 50 out of 200 hp% is the same value of 25. Then you can use the same animation frame events mentioned in your post using the hp% value.

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  • Nope not working. Before you upload it again you could temporarily remove that behaviour from your local folder, then try and open your capx to see if it requests it.

  • Something is still using that behaviour so it can't be opened.

  • No-one is going to be able to help unless they've purchased this parallaxbg behaviour from the store.

  • Well I tried it and it works. If you reference the background music in the start and stop events with a tag then it will stop it. The reason the song is still playing in level 2 is because you don't try to stop the 'sad' music from playing.

  • You didn't really go into detail about the events that happen when the player levels up. Considering that's where it goes wrong then I would look there. You only set dungeon damage on start of layout, maybe you change that to 3 when the player levels up?

  • Put something in the audio tag, other than ""