lionz's Forum Posts

  • You calculate distance from the start point to the player and that's the distance travelled in pixels : distance(start.x,start.y,player.x,player.y) assuming you are just moving in one direction, you didn't give any info about the game.

  • You also didn't mention what type of games you make?

  • I don't think that's any of your business...

    lol jk

  • Nice game! One thing I didn't like was the slight delay in attacking i.e. waiting for the animation to finish before firing projectile, it would be better if it was instant because reaching the enemies at the top of the screen is a nightmare.

    Also the limited number of projectiles wasn't immediately obvious maybe because of HUD position but I thought a nice trick could be to have his trident on fire when you have bullets remaining.

  • If you are planning on applying logic based on each frame of animation then they will be one event but the if frame=1, if frame=2, if frame=3 will be sub events because you need to add your actions to it.

  • I don't think the last section explanation and question make much sense, can you rephrase?

  • There you go, make sure the matching roof and switch have the same variable numbers to link them together

  • Put the relevant sprites in a family and use a family instance variable, not the name of the object. So if clicking it would play song1, then variable on that object is set to song1, and if an object would play song2 then set the variable of that object to song2.

    Then in one event you can say, on family clicked : play audio (by name) ""&family.variable

  • Yes it's 'Max Speed' in 8-direction behaviour on the Player Mask object, set to 90.

  • - Something that is immune to the slowing of time (moves at normal speed regardless)

    - Something that gets more powerful while time is slowed (limits how long you can slow time)

    - Something that cancels the slowing of time when you collide with it

    - Something that now damages the player when time is slowed (limits when you can slow time)

  • i never use c3... c2 for life but sadly i stop use it an move to other software

    so not for life then?

  • Event 5 don't use a system pick but use enemy object, pick by UID function.param(0). Also I'm not sure on that first event with the timer running every tick, it should be triggering once for the enemy when they are in distance, try adding a trigger once or some other method of starting the timer once only.

  • Looks like you answered your own question

  • It's a common problem with picking and system waits and it's more difficult than it first seems to get a bunch of enemies working independently on screen. My approach is to add timers to enemies for any waits and use functions for the attacks.

    So you start a timer of 0.5 seconds on an enemy and say on timer complete, run function attack. However the important thing here is to identify the one particular enemy so you send the enemy.UID through the attack function as a parameter. Then when the attack function is called you use a condition pick enemy by UID, where UID is function.param(0). This ensures that the particular enemy will do the attacking, and the same enemy is picked from timer ended to running the attack function.

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  • Pretty much just a global variable set to 0, 1 or 2 and then with the key presses for abilities you use condition global variable = 0, 1 or 2.