Clicking the text object to exit the game works fine for me...
As for the question, you can says if family1.count=0 then restart layout. count is the number of family1 objects in the layout which is 2 to begin with.
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This is just guess work without the file, please share the Construct 3 file.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
For some reason I particularly like the flame on the staff before we shoot.
You're welcome xD
The visuals look great, but is it fun? Where can I play it? Thanks
Looks like that is the case, only 20 topics with the exact words "key mapping", people will use other terminology though.
Lock this and if any more posts appear about monthly subscriptions just direct them here to Ashley's response. Also to note that OP started this fire and disappeared which is against forum rules.
Ooo expensive :D good luck with it, hope it's helpful!
Yes those tutorials look great and they have a good rating so try them out. There are also people to help on the forums here. Also check out these pages for best practices and advice in using Construct straight from the developers :
Arrays then! :D What are you using the co-ordinates for in the gameplay? For example if you go to select an object you would know its x,y at that point, do you really need to store the data?
Our whole planet is crippled by this annual cycle. The plants all die, the snow falls, the plants come back. I am just sorry to see Sierra buys into it too.
Who? That games developer from the 90s?
Do you mean co-ordinate in the game layout? Because you tagged array there. If you mean position of the object in the layout then you can use 2 global variables, one to save object.x and one to save object.y
Wherever you've put the gun spawn bullet action, directly below it add an action 'set bullet angle to gun.angle' (in the same event)
There are 20 threads that mention key bindings and 3 that mention key bindings in the topic.
You probably searched for key binding which will find every post with key in it, search for key+binding to find key binding.