lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Any idea how send the information via Bluetooth?

    As far as I am aware bluetooth communication is not supported in construct 2.

  • A webserved one. (hosted on a webserver)

    Check out Ajax.

  • Perhaps another approach:

    add 4 origin points point to your player, each side one.

    add 4 invisible collision sprites, each one pinned on one of the origin locations.

    Determine hits by means of detecting collisions on the given sprites.

    edit: I suggested this, because when you use the angle approach and the players rotate, the results will be off.

  • Check: Line of sight   (LOS)

  • Check the racing example template, it has exactly what you mention.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Beaverlicious

    It definately is possible.

    But it will come down to implementation skills.

    The fact anyone can make games with construct 2, does not mean everyone actually can make a game with it <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I made another clone based on an old atari game, moon patrol.

    It has a couple layouts where it loops through as you level up.

    Its a tough one imo.

    Lunar patrol in the Arcade


    Joy stick

    Left analogue to move and jump, A to shoot.

    or key board.

    Arrow keys to move and jump, and space to shoot.

    Scirra highscore included.

  • I definatly would like the option of a global layer :)

    My current approach for bigger projects:

    I use dedicated layouts as object holders and an event sheet called HUDevents, which builds a desired hud on a uniform layer named HUD.

    When using dedicated object layouts, I came to find that splitting it up really helps here too.

    In one of my subfolder of layouts there will be a HUD folder, with a dedicated objects layout for every needed hud type.

    Here I can mimick/duplicate the desired effects my HUDevens sheet would build on start of layout once included on any desired layout.

    Prevents clogging up my layout editor too and keeps my HUDs very managable.

  • You can do a "stop all" before starting a new background music.

  • thank you :)

    Hold tab and click a selected object to select the next object underneath in the Z order

  • You can have all sorts of included sheets.

    just imagine the following sheet names: mainmenu, gamemenu, gamecore, player, enemies.

    these sheets could have some of their own includes, just imgine the player sheet having different controlsheets such as keyboard or joystick.

  • Right click in an event sheet: include event sheet   ;)

  • I fixed this before.

    in the facebook dev settings, where you need to give it the canvas URL, I had to add ?s=1 behind the url.





    my app domain had to include: examplegamesite.com

    For every domain you link to, there has to be an included app domain.

  • Not if it is wider then 800 pixels.

  • I noticed the capx posted in this thread is experiencing the same.

    edit: nvm, seems its getting sorted