Host your project on a hosting service (like google drive, dropbox, or whatever) and copy the public link.
Otherwise, Construct 3 also allows you to select your event and right-click, "Copy as text", and you can then paste in your post which is even simpler.
Saving a variable (like the score) is done using the local storage plugin, in all ways similar as in Construct 2 so the elements from the How do I FAQ for C2 will work the same:
[quote:24c8tlbu]How do I do High Scores with Local Storage - LINK
Another example how to do high scores with Local Storage - LINK
Be sure to first add the "Local Storage" plugin to your project.
Then "On start of layout" of the first layout of your project, you may assign the value of the score according to the key you previously saved.
Last piece of advice if you are getting pissed/frustrated and what not, give it a rest, take some time off your project and go back to it with a clear mind the next day.
Also, do not wait to be disgraceful to post for help, ask for help in a polite manner before you get to this point, people in the forums will generally be helpful, especially with common issues already treated like those.