Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Probably the built-in flash behavior.

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  • Be sure to post a capx this will make it easier for use to answer you according to your project.

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  • To use the font, "text:set font face".

    You only need one "set webfont" action at the very beginning of the project.

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  • Thank You for the 16-01-2012: Update! Pathfinding has key importance in games with enemies.

    I was thinking about what my colleagues did for Nintendo NDS. Pathfinding wasn't coded into the car-racing game for (possibly) performance or limited time reasons. Spline paths were laid down along the race-tracks and enemy cars followed those invisible splines. It turned out not so bad.

    So here is the idea: how reasonable is to lay down "splines" paths on the level and detect if the target is crossing one spline. Like when a soldier touches a wire-trap in a jungle war-game. Enemies would then change to that spline-track and travel down to the point where the target last touched the "wire".

    I'm pondering how realistic would it be. Maybe the enemy heard something and follows the noise, goes to the last known target(player) position.

    Apparently, not completely done ^^

    mercy: The actual PF kinda acts like the spline method you describe.

    Instead of a line though, it's cells, covering more ground at a time.

    The downside is that the testing zone is the whole layout at once, cell/cell.

    I may have some plans "someday" to push the developpment on the PF to allow the user to set the scan zone to optimize performances.

    But it is not in a close future, I have other projects that I need to take care of first, and those projects don't require a PF as of now.

    For your "spline"/"line of sight" method I'd go with events, positioning a "marker" on a regular basis (maybe not every tick, maybe something like every 0.1 seconds), and checking for collisions on the positioning (or the following tick).

    Gotta use some finish state machinery here, but it should work pretty well and not require a lot of events (especialy if you use families) or performances.

    I think it's reasonably doable.

    Check the how do I FAQ, there are some LOS examples listed in it that might give you some leads.

    My answer is maybe a bit unclear and certainly not complete.

    If you want to learn more/have more feedback on this idea just post a new topic in the how do I section, you should get some more complete answers in the couple of day/weeks following the thread.

    Done for now for good <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Wronghands: Sorry for the delay.

    This was a question worth of the "how do I" topic though, not specificaly related to the pathfinder behavior.

    Commented capx, hopefuly this should help you.

    For arrays, check the how do I FAQ, the topics listed there are pretty useful and should get you going with the use of arrays.

    Schoening: In the case that the start is surrounded by obstacles, the PF will raise a "Failed to generate path" trigger, as explained and displayed in the demo/documentation in the first post.

    Ok, I'm done here :D

  • Signatures in the forum only accept bbcode.

    Some (others) forums take HTML for the signature.

    It's on Tom's todo list to add a field to display the games cards in bbcode in the arcade.

    For your signature it should look something like this.

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  •, another feautre that is just "hidden"?!

    It's not really hidden, it has more to see with the format used for the project.

    It's more a workaround, a "you can do it like that, messing in the text file" method.

    As for a "direct" print event sheet from C2, for now there isn't.

    It had been discussed about a close subject a while ago, and it's on the huge TODO list.

    It's not a "critical" feature.

  • For full screen "main menus" I would have it on a layout for its own.

    Layers should allow you to navigate between several "menu screens" to access different parts.

    For an "ingame menu" (like pause), I would have it in a top layer in the game/level layout, and pause/make sure the rest of the game can't get accessed when the top layer (menu) is visible, so that only the top menu gets the user input.

    (this can be done by adding some check system:is layer visible (top layer)/invert to the events of the game, system:is layer visible (top layer) for the events of the menu.

    For concrete examples, I don't recall a specific one posted.

    I hope this helps you nevertheless.

  • Indeed what Haematite said is correct.

    I don't think it's a bug that the events don't "follow" the layers order.

    Also, the first number of layer is 0, not 1.

    Calling the layers by their text name is the best way to reference them whatever their order is.

  • Savvy001: Could you please post a link to the exported project as well as a capx of the project with repro steps as asked in How to report bugs.

  • I can only confirm that keyboard keys appear to not register.

    I can also confirm that the webpage gets moved on key up/down and space.

    But this may be more have to do with browser shortcut keys. The trick should work.

    Also Tom is the best placed to deal with arcade issues.

  • I confirm FF and Chrome both raises an error on line 31 of this minified runtime.

    this.xa.hq is not extensible

    this.zb=g)};A.Rh=function(a,h){this.type=a;this.xa=h;this.w=h.w;this.$;this.Ya=this.Kd=e;A.seal(this)};var a=A.Rh.prototype;a.fl=function(){this.w.bindTexture(this.w.TEXTURE_2D,this.Kd);[b]this.xa.hq[/b]=this.Kd};a.el=function(){this.w.uniform1f(this.xa.vj,this.Zg);};{this.w.drawElements(this.w.TRIANGLES,this.$b,this.w.UNSIGNED_SHORT,2*};a.dl=function(){this.w.blendFunc(,this.$b)};{this.w.uniformMatrix4fv(,g,this.Ya)};

    Some caps names spot out (Texture_2D, Triangles, Unsigned_short)

    Hope it helps spot the original code.