Arima - since it's only me who gets upset with people ignoring these rules and it seems to be of no further interesst, I will also start posting Tutorial in my native language.
report the problem then move on. Stop threatening to add to it.
So you should really cool down — and as you said it yourself "read what you write" and see how it may get interpreted.
Also, as said three times now, a report/PM to moderators/admins is the right way to go.
Also be aware that, as moderators, there is only so-much we can do on the website.
For example, we can't delete tutorials, that's something only
Tom or Ashley can do (as admins).
When Tom gets to see this topic he'll have an answer.
Your reports have been seen/noted. As you said, ultimately Scirra boys have the final word, we're waiting on them too.
Sol - just get of my back and maybe do your job and moderate the once stepping over the border! [...] By the way, why should I not post in German if other do in russian, protugues, spanish?
Well that's kind of stepping over the border too imo. (especialy in regards of my two previous quotes)
You should really take some time of the computer and cool down a little before writting such responses.
Let us keep the discussion here for now and focus on the regional tutorials' issue, wait for Ash & Tom's decision.