Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • An explanation with a capx.

    I also had made this image to illustrate the principle in another topic:

    <img src="" border="0">

    The black big rectangle is the layer unrotated, the black crosses are image points of the unrotated object, red big rectangle is the layer rotated and the red crosses are the "for C2" positions of the imagepoints, whereas their coordinates (x, y) are unchanged.

    So for gravity, it is the same, it is a force applied to a certain angle (towards the bottom of the screen).

    If you want to handle gravity with a layer rotation, set the "regular" gravity to 0, and everytick apply a force to the object at RotatedLayerAngle + 90. (example capx)

    Edit: Physics and other behaviors are not meant to work with each other.

    Either stick to platformer/solid (same rotation principle applies normaly and I believe you can set gravity on the platformer behavior to the angle of your choice) or use only physcis behavior (platforms being immovable physics objects).

  • Arima - since it's only me who gets upset with people ignoring these rules and it seems to be of no further interesst, I will also start posting Tutorial in my native language.

    report the problem then move on. Stop threatening to add to it.


    So you should really cool down and as you said it yourself "read what you write" and see how it may get interpreted.

    Also, as said three times now, a report/PM to moderators/admins is the right way to go.

    Also be aware that, as moderators, there is only so-much we can do on the website.

    For example, we can't delete tutorials, that's something only Tom or Ashley can do (as admins).

    When Tom gets to see this topic he'll have an answer.

    Your reports have been seen/noted. As you said, ultimately Scirra boys have the final word, we're waiting on them too.

    Sol - just get of my back and maybe do your job and moderate the once stepping over the border! [...] By the way, why should I not post in German if other do in russian, protugues, spanish?

    Well that's kind of stepping over the border too imo. (especialy in regards of my two previous quotes)

    You should really take some time of the computer and cool down a little before writting such responses.

    Let us keep the discussion here for now and focus on the regional tutorials' issue, wait for Ash & Tom's decision.

  • Thanks

  • I meant post the screenshots in the bug topic since it appear to be the same.

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  • Yes, in the menu/preferences.

    A few releases ago, start page was being disabled automaticly on files where IE is not up to date, as it has been reported that some times C2 crashed because of that.

  • his is now our fourth blog post about audio on the web (one, two, three)

    Reading the three other previous articles, you'll see that it is not a licensing problem either about audio support.

    It has more to see with browsers makers policies/marketing strategies rather than really following a standard as far as audio is concerned.

    Making it technically unlikely to produce (synthetize) sounds.

    So making it technicaly unlikely to have a support of mod/s3m/whatever modules files.

  • Like this ?

  • Apparently there's a problem in the physics behavior l.1593 (s.add(typeB)), but you also are missing two sounds files.

    I guess Ashley will have a look at the code and try to fix it for a next release.

  • Sounds like that bug.

    Try to check your browser for errors and report them to this post too to help getting rid of it.

  • DestX/DestY is an instance variable I set to the object.

    Self is just a keyword to prevent having to type in the object's name.

    As each object has a different destination, you need to put it as instance variable (one pair of variable for each object with different values), not global variable (only one pair for all the objects).

  • Try to have a preview over LAN from the admin computer (check with your network admins).

    It can be tedious, but at least students could preview a project (even if not theirs) "quicker".

    Eventually try to see with the network admins if they couldn't have a local webserver (on the students computers) set up for each account.

    This could help them previewing easier.

  • The yellow stuff are comments.

    Just notes for the programmers' eyes, they have no effect on the code/project itself.

  • Audio support in HTML5 is very messy.

    It is unlikely that it will happen soon to have a fully fledge plugin for C2.

    My quick search lead to jsMODPlayer that seems to work in chrome 17, but doesn't at all in FF 10.0.1

  • Extract from the How do I FAQ

    xplanation about the logical "IF", "ELSE IF", "OR"... - LINK

    It's also probably a good idea to check how events work and follow the beginner's guide to C2.