Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • A "Work In Progress" category might indeed be valuable, with an optionnal switch to another category (with admin consent) once the game is finished.

  • In bugged.xml add:

    line99:    </layers>
              <instance type="Array">
              <instance type="Array_Positions">
    line116: </c2layout>

    Line 99 is just for you to know you have to add it at the end, between the layers tag and the c2 layout tag.

    As for why, as I said in my post above, there's a bug that requires any object type to have an original instance in a layout.

    This applies to arrays too, but it is harder to see as they are "nonworld" type of objects, they don't have a displayed instance in any layout.

    But still, their layout of creation is also their layout of initialisation.

    So if you create an array object on a layout, and later destroy this layout from your project, the array has no original instance anymore, and you can't create another instance (this is by design for nonworld instances I think, like you need only one "Keyboard" for all your project; all should be resolved once the "original instance bug" is fixed, on Ashley's todo list already).

    Also I forgot : the edited capx

  • Adding the "level lines" is fine, but in my eyes the third screen removing the purple color blocks isn't.

    It is maybe just a matter of habits, but to me it helps identifying where I am in my code. Without it, I'm lost.

    Also, even with "level lines", I'd keep the event numering as it has its use.

    Idealy such display in the event sheet should be dealt with in a "customize event sheet display" dialog with checkboxes.

    Each one could end up displaying the event sheets to its liking.

  • 2 events only ^^

  • Put a sprite with anchor as a position marker. Set it to invisible, on start of layout position your moving object to the marker's position.

    Kind of work around, but it should do the job of positioning a moving object on some spot of the screen despite the scale.

    also, I beg you, how do I get an answer to my question [...] and just get working answer

    Ask a complete detailed question.

    Explaining you had already tried the anchor and that it didn't fit the full scope of what you wanted to do (a custom moving object) was a far better explanation than just "no behavior".

    People can't guess what you already have done on a written post. The more details you give, the more likely to get an efficient answer you are.

  • Try using the action "Move to top" in the "layers" section in the action window.

  • Imo, being able to colorize events at will (like set a color for all the events of a group) would be more helpful and meaningful than 1.2.3...

    I only use the line numbers when telling someone on the forum what to modify and where. There's no other case I check those, especially when using groups.

    Indent is really enough, alongside comments.

  • Sounds like you created the array in a layout that was then deleted, or something like that.

    It is more or less a known bug yes. (Has to do with the fact that you need at least one instance of an object type in the project for it to work).

    Make a new array, set the code to work with it and then destroy the old array.

  • A quick test that positions the sprite according to values stored in the array : quick test.

    As long as the array is created in the same layout as you currently are, it should work.

    If you have like two layouts, and that array was created in layout2 and you're trying to use it in layout1 it will not work.

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  • Try set size to (3,1,1) rather, it should work.

    Also, you may need to cast the result of an array to make sure it is a number.

    So set X to int( (like weishaupt suspects)

    Some leads that will hopefuly help you.

  • Extract from how events work:

    vents run top to bottom

    The order of events is important. Every event is checked once per tick (about 60 times a second on most computers), and they are run from top to bottom in the event sheet. The screen is drawn once every event has been run, then the process starts again.

    So yes, any events which conditions return true will be executed each tick.

  • Extract from the basic physics tutorial:

    or example, if you use Set Position to move an object to the other side of the layout instantly, it has effectively teleported. That's not a realistic physical phenomenon, so the result may be unrealistic as well.

    Event2 and event6 you teleport the box.

    Check out : Player (platform behavior) and Physic (world objects) - LINK, listed in the how do I FAQ, i think it does in fact spawn/displays either physic, either platform objects, depending on the state.

  • UberDark is right even if it is often big publisher (EA for example) having agreements with music publisher (universal for example) and they both know that "big" music beeing used in "big games", and having "big games" using "big music" reinforce both.

    This is all marketing both of the time.

    And sometimes there are indys like "Insanely twisted shadow planet" who will have agreement with lesser music publisher ("Nuclear Blast") and have Dimmu borgir as sound track.

    From the moment the music is published, you have to deal with the publisher.

    Finaly "streaming from youtube"... well, youtube streams video, not music only so it's like downloading more than required and I'm not sure it is legal as you require the authorization of the video author (as long as his the right-holder for the video and the soundtrack).

  • Reduce the number of objects with the physic behavior, their size, their collision polygon (using bounding box or circle wherever it makes better sense).

    Also have a look at the physic performance tips in the physics basics tutorial and check about the set stepping iterations / set stepping mode in Physics actions: Global settings.

  • Why "without any behavior" when the simplest and most efficient way is to use the dedicated behavior ?