Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Do you really need 50 different objects ?

    You could use a single sprite with 50 different animation frames, and on creation of the bullet make something like :

    Bullet.Animationframe = obj.instanceVariable

    Where instance variable is a number corresponding to the frame.

  • Guif0DA: Capx is basicly a zip file containing other files. (and so some xml file).

    Simply open and extract it with something like winzip or 7zip.

  • Store the UID of the fireball or of the particle in an instance variable of the fireball/particle and pick it before applying the destroy action.

    You can find more about this in the how do I FAQ section "Picking/Selecting instances".

  • How events work.

    it's the backbone of C2.

  • baconstructor: you need to "Start" the animation to play it.

    Make sure the speed is correct (>0) and that you have several frames in your animation.

    Make sure the name of your animation is rigorously the same as the name you are "calling". Animation name is CaSe SeNsiTiVe.

  • The behavior bound to layout.

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  • Joe7: It all depends on what device you aim your game at.

    For my game Drop Da Piew I used both Touch and Mouse, thinking the UI so everything is usable on both Touch and Desktop devices and using the mouse over to add a bit of eye candy when it is supported.

    If you are sure you won't need the specificities of the mouse plugin, yes you can only use the Touch plugin and it makes it very convenient, with the very same code you have the very same behaving on touch and desktop devices.

  • Darn, France is really late once again, english we can learn in high school and even before, but imo it's more around 10-12 years old, and generaly the level of the english teachers isn't fantastic (well it wasn't while I was at school, apparently it improved in the past 15 years ^^)

    A token in the sense of translating C2 my father work in public school, and at the beginning of the year, he was looking for some computer activity to have with the kids.

    I introduced him to C2, he liked it but the fact that it was english only made it difficult/impossible for him to use with young children.

    I understand the "it's not important" part of the reaction, I shared it too to some point.

    But in the frame of using C2 in educationnal system for example, it makes it far easier and more believable to use it actively and efficiently if it is regionalized.

    As mentionned earlier by Ashley, tutorials and some other parts of the site are planned to be translated too, making informations easier to get.

    The point was raised that the forum were in english, so no need to translate C2, that's half true.

    There are quite some regional forums/communities listed in the not so visible regional communities page.

    From there it is up to people talking both languages to be active on both forums/communities to help out and spread the use of C2.

    Ultimately tutorials and manual will be available in multiple languages, but still those forums should be the go to communities in your own language.

  • 3/ There is no specific server recommanded, but based on your needs you can either go for a regular LAMP server handling webservices (you would use AJAX from C2 in that case) or a more "real-time" server application like node.js for real time multiplayer applications (using something like the custom plugin websocket from C2 in that case).

    In the end it is up to you and what you are making.

    4/ I strongly suggest you to have a look through the beginner's guide (even useful for experienced programmers as C2 has its own terminology and way of doing things).

    You can also have a look through the manual which hold a lot of explanations (how events work, system expressions, ...)

    5/ You can find some example capx included in the c2 install\examples folder.

    You can also have a look at the how do I FAQ, lots of mechanics and other aspects are treated amongst the items listed and often you can obtain examples capx.

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