Kyatric's Forum Posts

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  • hook11: nice bump.

    Have a look at this thread in the meantime, closing this one, not much to add.

  • Custom plugins are all stored in the Plugins for C2 forum, you can check a list of the released custom plugins and behaviors and see how to install a plugin/behavior.

    Then the turret behavior topic is the place to go to download it and have info/troubleshoots about it.

    If you're very new to game making I strongly suggest you first follow the beginners guide for C2 and check where to start.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    The black layer is the original layer, the blue one is the sized layer, using the same center.

    Indeed there is an offset between the original and resized ones.

    "Lazy" solution, place all "swarm" objects in a family and reduce the size of each object of the family by a certain percentage.

  • You have an "Edit game" box above your game in the arcade, and you should be able to update it from here.

  • 7 premium ?

  • It's possible to support consoles, but not likely for a few years. One of two things have to happen:

    - consoles support HTML5, probably not until the next generation of hardware

    - we get enough resources to take on a new exporter, which probably won't happen for a few years

    Or there's option C...

    - consoles are killed off by phones and tablets so it doesn't matter any more!

    From the present perspective, it doesn't seem that console will support html5 gaming (the vita doesn't and it's the most recent console out), and mobiles/tablets are not yet ready for html5 gaming either. (I haven't seen any performances results yet for html5 games on iPad3)

    I don't see them overtaking consoles yet either.

    Moreover, there probably will be a mobile/tablet audience share "opposing" the console share as it happened over the past years, I only foresee this tendancy to result in a reinforcement of two separated market shares with a more blurry audience/share in between.

    If something like the rumor of a "Steam box" (a PC configuration in a kind of console presentation with the steam platform to handle distribution) was to come to reality, it would be an interesting platform to focus on too and that would change the current market as we know it.

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  • I have to agree with Potato and Geo's suggestions.

    I like the idea of a set of colors per project, with a difference between layouts/event sheets so in a blink you make the difference.

    I also understand what tokinsom was saying at first and what animmaniac noted too: there's some lack of contrast between the enabled and disabled black ribbons/menu icons.

    I used, in a blink, to know if a project needed to be saved or not before.

    Now, it's less readable in an instant, it needs "identification".

    But as animmaniac notified it, I'm confident he will fix the issue in the next releases, thanks in advance for that.

    I use semi transparent window borders thanks to aero, and the black icons don't contrast that much over the blurry background, maybe tokinsom is "suffering" from that too.

    I also get the impression that "black is a bit sad" or I don't know how to word it exactly.

    As tokin mentioned, the UI used to be "shiny colors", the passage to black gradient makes it more "sanitized".

    Don't get me wrong, it's not a big deal to me (apart from the save icon issue I mentionned earlier) but it's the feeling I'm getting from the new UI. I'm not telling it's bad work, it's different.

    I still need to get used to the new objects/behaviors icons too (to spot them as Intrepid said in his post, I was quite used to the former representations).

    Also a lot of plugin makers will have to redo their icons, to match the new color/symbol code.

    As of now, built-in and custom are visualy struggling in the dialogs ^^

  • Did you follow the steps in this tutorial ?

  • Multi touch is supported by default, but I think I remember something like the android browser not being able to handle it.

    If you have something like "on touch" move the player and "on fire button touched" fire, both should work as intended, in multi touch.

    If the browser can't handle it, not much to be done there but rethink the controls.

    In this page of tutorial:

    here are two known issues when using PhoneGap:

    - Android 2.x does not support multi-touch properly. Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) fixes this.

    So here it is, solution is to use android 4.

  • Try to "Reset dialogs" in the Preference dialog.

    Does it change anything ?

  • Apparently it's a serious problem indeed.

    Make a full bug report in the "bugs" section.

    Ashley should have a look at this.

  • For the second question, be sure to check the "Touch" section of the how do I FAQ, accelerometer is treated in the last item listed.

  • Mouse action: Set cursor style

    Mouse entry in the manual

  • is what I want to do even possible?

    Check the topics listed in the how do I FAQ about "Picking/selecting instances", this is all what it is about.

    Yes it is possible.

    Just post your capx in this topic and get familiar with how events work.