Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Hello all new faces, welcome on the forum

    CyberDagger: Fine analysis, I'd like to learn more about the concept of "horizontal upgrade" (and possibly the megaman mechanics you're talking about).

    Would you mind post something about it in the general game design forum when you have some time ?

    Great introduction and welcome in the community.

  • I think you are programming everything to hard for the system. Try to cut back on the variables and use groups instead.

    : That's pretty silly.

    You're suggesting that C2 isn't made to deal with variables and groups ?

    You're so very wrong.

    Instead of removing variables, learn to use them and how the events work, this is all the base of work with C2.

    Discarding them is just awfuly wrong.

  • Layers locks indeed could help.

    Organizing objects on the 4 (free version limit is 4 layers btw) layers, locking/unlocking (as well as hiding in fact, a hidden layer doesn't allow selecting) can help in dealing with loads of instances.

    The free version needs limits, else users wouldn't buy licenses otherwise.

    Whatever the limits are, there always be people to ask for them to be pushed/removed.

    And well, you can go through all the regular contests to try and win C2 licenses.

    At the beginning of this month, the rotary contest ended, the hbgames one started.

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  • By default the text object is multiline (you can use the expression "newline").

    But the scrolling is up to you like in this capx.

    And you have an iframe custom plugin in the custom plugin/behavior list in the custom plugin forum.

  • It doesn't rotate even when the "manual_fire" key exists ?

  • Upload your capx on dropbox and paste the public link into a post.

    Without a capx, hard to say what's going wrong. It sounds as picking issues and perhaps useless loops or something cpu taking on the change of layout (maybe the startup of second layout performing useless tasks).

  • 1. When you select object type (through the objects list for example) in the properties bar there is a "Animations - Edit" property (as a link).

    In case of sprite, selecting the general object type should be enough since all instances share the same set of textures.

    2. There is a custom plugin about zOrder, check the plugins and behaviors list.

  • The complete list of keyboard shortcuts implemented in C2 is already available in the manual.

    The actual shortcut to add events is simply "E".

    Tutorials are cool, manual is better.

  • The problem is that there is no instance of "object1" in the layout where the events happen.

    So basicly, the instance variable doesn't exist and indeed returns 0.

    Also, you should pay attention to the window size, which is bigger than the layouts size (never a good idea).

    If you set the correct events in layout 1 you can see things work like in this capx

    You need to create an instance of the array in the first layout (as the array was created only in the second layout).

    If you want to continue with a similar setting I strongly suggest you to start a project from scratch and create the array in the first layout (of execution) as you'll probably want it to be global to have only one instance storing values through all layouts.

  • Check the Tools/ressource as well as the help wanted forums.

  • I guess it's a bit the same trigonometry formulas that we used for the rotary competition.

    You need a "reference" point as the original distance and angle towards another "member" of the group of object, and on resize you use the layer's size as a factor instead of the new angle.

    I guess that's for theory, for the formula itself unfortunately, I don't know.

  • About the shading part, for now you might need appropriate sprites displaying the enemy in the appropriate color, there's no real way to change the hue of sprites (js limitation for now).

    For the encapsulate part, I guess you need to set the bubble position to the enemie's position (or the inverse) when they collide each other, and "pause" the behaviors that make the enemy and bubble move.

    It depends on how you setted up things so far.

  • In my opinion :

    oodale believes that HTML5 still needs a "marquee experience"; a game that can highlight the potential of the platform in the same way that, say, Wii Sports did for the Nintendo Wii.

    "Once we have that, I think you'll see the pace of innovation quicken. I think you'll see developer adoption quicken."

    Those words describe the situation.

    The 2 years time limit sounds like a bit much imo.

    As soon as the "marquee app" mentioned hit recognition, give it 6 months for the device makers to align themselve.

    It's a downer for me that, at the moment, mobile devices can't handle html5 gaming as they should.

    I believe we will see this app/game during this year though. I'd really like it to come from the C2 community too, that would be a hell of a "2 birds 1 stone".

  • Every tick -> Scope Sprite - set position to Mouse.X, Mouse.Y

  • yumarod3: Ok I saw it.

    It's a "bug" in the moving example, not the plugin itself.

    That's also why the conditions "On path generated" and "on path failed" exist, so that the developper handle the behavior of their application according to the result of the generation.

    If there's no path, there's no need for the object to be set to moving.

    Anyway the examples are provided as it, as an illustration of how to use the PF.

    They need to be adapted for each usage, not be simply ripped of.

    You found yourself a possible implementation with the branch plugin, as I said earlier, you could simply use the "on path generation" conditions. In one case setting the move variable to 1 as expected and to 0 in the other case.

    The PF itself only deals with finding/generating a path.

    The movement is up to the developper as there could be thousands of ways and expectations on how should the object move.

    BTW I believe there were automated movement behaviors that were released since the first release of the PF that could handle the movement easier, it needs a bit of browsing in the plugins list I think.