Greetings, Im Scott, and new to the C2/HTML5 Compiler. I have a fair understanding of "code" and the interactions as I have a backround in VC++ and SQL, so Im not going to bore you with too many details. For my first full project I intend to build a RPG Sytle SIM, and hope to evolve it to a Multi Player / Multi Shard eviroment. That being said, lemme get to the questions.
1) In C2, does each "Layout" = a "Map". IE Layout1= House map, Layout2 = Wilderness Map, Layout3 = Castle Floor 1, ETC ETC
2) Event Page (Global) / Event Page (Layout). Can I assign Values to a Global "Master List" and then Modify them per "Layout"?
3) What Backend, Server Software, is required to host you own app's?
4) What exactly is the differance in "actions" and "behaviors"?
5) Can I deconstruct other .CAPX file to "see what others have done"..? This my infringe on the "stealing code" domain, but I am not intending to use other builders code, just look at thier solutions.