Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • zsangerous: yes the file is working in construct2.

    Maybe the file wasn't up when you tried, or maybe you need the r85 version to use it.

    If it has a problem, it should raise a dialog on start, with informations about what the problem is.

    Read those informations, and eventualy post them here so we can figure out what's going wrong.

  • No need to multiply topics when you already have created one, especialy to create a new one with an undescriptive title as "help".

    In the how do I FAQ there's an item listed in the section "Facebook".

    acebook highscore list - LINK

    Have you followed the discussion there ? Does it bring any new informations ?

    The discussion follows here.

    I haven't messed with facebook so far, so I can't say really much.

    The facebook API seems very unstable and it sounds like you have to carefuly "craft" your code.

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  • The actual true mention required is "All rights reserved".

    But depending on your country's laws the access to copyright is different.

    The best is to research the legislation currently applied in your country.

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  • There's not an actual guide on how to do this specific game.

    What you need is break it down, guess how it was made and implement it in C2.

    To do that you need first to be comfortable with using C2 and what programming tools it brings you. This is done by reading the manual, the tutorials and making small examples/experimentations/games first.

    A quick analysis, it's basicly a match game, you input two "elements" and see if they match, "unlocking" a new element.

    So "behind the scenes" you probably have arrays containing the datas for the elements (what other element the actual element mixes with and what element does it gives).

    Checking the examples in the how do i FAQ in the sections "Arrays" should get you a level start about arrays and how to use them.

    Keep reading the available tutorials and experiment, this is the best way to achieve your game.

    Also moving this to the "Game design" part as it is not as much the different breaking of the mechanisms that you appear to be in need of than how to technicaly implement them.

  • I had done this capx for the very same question a while ago.

    Look through the forum there is a topic with more examples and explanations.

    Edit: also IMO, sine is not the most appropriate way to do scrolling enemies, but the choice is yours.

    Be sure to have a look at the how do I FAQ it has many exmaples listed amongst which making patrolling enemies with platform behavior.

  • I'm not sure about what you ask here.

    Do you want to know how to add several animations to a sprite, importing frames from a sprite sheet ?

    If so, when you're done with the procedure in that page of the tutorial, right click the "Animations dialog"

    <img src="" border="0">

    And select "Add a new animation".

    From there you'll be able to import again frames and have a new animation usable in your sprite.

    As Ashley said, if you want, in events, to display another animation of your sprite, use the sprite action "Set animation".

    Does that answer your question ?

    Maybe a little read through the manual could help you up picking the vocabulary and ways of working with C2.

  • use an array. Im not sure if you can copy an arrays data to another array simply so its a bit longer than doin it in normal programming

    aridale: Consider ArraySource and ArrayDestination, two different arrays.

    Have an event (or subevent):

    For each element of ArraySource

    -->, ArraySource.CurY, ArraySource.CurZ) set to ArraySource.curValue

    A simple event that will loop through all the elements and copy them in the destination array.

    Of course, you use only the coordinates you need (1D or 2D arrays for example)

  • jlouter: the error means the capx needs a specific (custom) plugin to be opened.

    Apparently those examples were made before Ashley implements dialogs that gives the name of the missing plugin(s).

    On the first page of this thread you can see this post that links to the required plugin.

  • You should probably display your time in between an int() cast.

    That would probably give something like :

    text.set text to int(timervariable)

    If it doesn't work, post your capx.

  • Alle the elements of the HUD must be on a top layer, and make sure every tick to set the angle of this layer to 0, so it appears as unrotated to the user.

  • Globally you need to use the Text plugin to display the situation and the result of your action, the textbox plugin to input the actions, the array plugin to store all your text "database" and the webstorage plugin to store some informations about progression and your player locally.

    A tutorial specificaly about text games hasn't been achieved, but you can find hopefully helpful examples and explanations of use of the arrays and webstorage in the How do I FAQ under the sections "Arrays", "Webstorage" but also "RPG genre" (especially the "Dialog" type examples).

    I hope this gets you on track.