Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Developers might need to switch focus from retailers to players.

    I see a lot of ppl aiming for steam, or desustra, or whatever.

    When actually HTML5's strength is that you can fully intricate your game within your website, and manage players and monetization from here.

    Consider the platform you're using first. Then you'll find the best ways to monetize according to said platform.

    A C2 game in steam... I honstely don't really see the point.

    From a new player's perspective, it would require the user to download steam, make a steam account, download your wrapped game, and then play.

    Now consider your game is on your website.

    The new player arrives on your website with an up to date/recent browser, loads the part of the game you allowed him to play, plays it.

    From there, you can ask him to give money, to register on the website to play more, and eventualy in the future your other games, etc...

    Steam is by no mean a end in itself. it's good for "old business model".

    HTML5 can allow us to use a different business model that still appeals to the player and still makes money.

  • revondage: post a new topic in the forum.

    This very topic is not supposed to handle questions

    <center><font size="6"><font color=red>Any question in this topic will purely be deleted.

    This is the only warning.</font></font></center>

    As you can see in the first post.

    So far, I haven't deleted any question, because most are legitimate.

    Also concerning your issue, there are already items listed that allow you to swap between different sprites which have different behaviors.

    In the "platformer" section, look how it is done to swap from platformer to physic behavior.

    Once you understand how it is done, you can basicly achieve the same thing with any sprite and any behavior.

    The list is there for you to consult, please do so.

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  • Event 10 => Load XML document from string AJAX.LastData

  • You did not post a capx, so hard to look at anything.

    Nevertheless from what you describe, you have an event with a condition PHealth <= 0.

    When this event executes it acts on the values of some variables.

    You say you reset Health to 10.

    But the variable PHealth is still <= 0. So the next tick, when C2 test this condition, it will be true again and so the event executes again, etc...

    What you need is, in this very event, to set PHealth to a different value than 0. As last action, set PHealth to 10 and you'll be sure that the very tick the event executes since its condition is true, an action makes it so that the next tick the condition will be false and the event won't execute again.

  • That's strange. Did you uninstall the previous version when installing the r86 ?

    By the way, r87 has been released since it should even work better.

    I've just tried opening the capx and got no error, there's an issue on your end.

    Make sure to uninstall all copies of C2 and install the very latest release r87.

    Install it, download the capx again, open it.

    If you're still obtaining check failures and errors, be sure to make screenshots/read the content of the error messages as it gives informations on what may go wrong.

    Anyway, Layout :

    <center><img src="" border="0"></center>

    Event sheet + objects :

    <center><img src="" border="0"></center>

    Group "MakeQuestion" expanded :

    <center><img src="" border="0"></center>

  • Adding sprite's instances that are the visual representation of the shadows and are pinned/positionned to the character/element's position.

  • Your "glow effect" is nothing more than a colored sprite which borders are blurry (a gradient from the main color to transparent) and displayed with an opacity between 25 and 50 I'd say.

    You can also add an additive effect eventualy.

    Look in the c2\examples folder for the "Sprite effects.capx"

  • Demo Tires in capx

    The idea is simply to have sprites under the main car sprite and rotate them accordingly to the key pressed and their position in the car.

    This is "coding animation" if we may say, I'll delete the duplicate topic in game design.

  • farsmile90: in the "Animation frames bar"

    <img src="" border="0" />

    You can right click and "Import frames".

    The dialog that opens allow you to select multiple image files at once.

    It's not as straight forward as an import that would name the animations accordingly to folders, but it helps importing a set of images in a single selection.

  • Yes indeed.

    Download and install the r86, it will work.

  • Commented capx.

  • It is a bit confusing indeed.

    Posting a capx would help helping you.

    • Post link icon

    Bump on this thread.

    Ashley are there current beta versions of browsers we can use to test the gamepad object ?

    What's the methodology now in April ?

    I'd like to test a mayflash arcade stick.

  • <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Pirate Princess in a cage...

    It can't be tolerated. Such cruelty towards an innocent creature.


    Apart from this the picture is pretty cool. ^^

  • Yes you can.

    Ex: Drop da Piew