Kyatric's Forum Posts

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  • No it is not a comment about the website indeed.

    Moved it so that hopefully Ashley can see it and consider the change if he sees it fit.

  • GenderJam :

    1st April to 7th April 2014

  • imothep85: Make a new topic with the prefix [Suggestion] or [Request] in the "Work in progress addons" forum.

    This current topic just lists the released addons.

  • I've just tried with my Xbox 360 controller, on chrome, and I can't replicate the issue you are talking about.

    With only this event in the project, holding down the right trigger doesn't seem to have any impact on the left one.

    You should post your complete capx (either attach it to the post, or on dropbox or service of the like) and post what controller you use, in what browser on what OS.

  • Well despite this error, you actually posted 5 or 6 tutorials in a row that I needed to delete.

    You can check out in the newest tutorials there is indeed your latest submission with the capx file and the translation.

    Tom will surely look into that error when he's got some time though.

  • You should post your capx, that would make it easier to investigate and see if there is something wrong with your events or with the gamepad integration/support.

  • [quote:19o496qz]

    Pass informations from the HTML page to the C2 application - LINK

    From the How do I FAQ

    Some kind of hack, but could be useful.

  • How PMs work: PMs sit in the outbox until they are read by the recipient of the PM, allowing you to edit the PM in case of mistake.

    Once the person the PM is addressed to reads the PM, it then is moved to "Sent message" and can't be edited anymore.

    It's also a nice way of informing you if the people you are addressing PMs to have read them or not.

  • It's already in.

    You have the audio.preload action that you can throw at the start of layout of your program.

    Make sure to not give the hand back to the user before everything is loaded (i.e. custom loading layout be sure to check the comments there is EXACTLY the solution you need) and you're good to go.

  • Nope you don't need to PM it, attach it to a forum post, or use dropbox and post a public link.

  • It depends a lot on how you've implemented things so far, and posting (attaching to the message) your capx could help.

    One way would be that the name of the object is in a text instance variable that you modify.

    In an array you can keep track of all the names and UIDs of objects you've modified.

  • It would be indeed easier if you would post (attach) the capx of your current project with your message so we could understand better what you are looking to achieve exactly.

    For the background, are you sure your layout size can handle the 9000 pixels of your background ?

  • if Scirra internationalize their support for another languages, the problem of always relying on someone to keep the board working will always exist.


    And that's why since the website existed it's always and only been an English-only board and other language communities have always been left in the hands of the people speaking these other languages.

    Some made external forums, some made Facebook groups. And people looking for those always end up finding it in the end. Even if it is after having come round those forums.

    It would be nice indeed to have international boards on Scirra's forums for the users.

    But from Scirra's perspective, it could quickly become a moderation nightmare that they don't want to (understandably)/don't have the resources to deal with.

    You proposes yourself for a Brazilian board today, good.

    But what happens when tomorrow you move on to another website/tool/whatever ?

    Scirra is left with a brazilian board they have no way to moderate nor support, and probably would have to shut down anyway.

    So, for the time being, better not make one in the first place, and let communities make their own websites/groups/whatever on the side and deal with support/moderation on their own.

    If Scirra finds a good way to handle such international boards, I'm confident they will do, as they are aware of your suggestion/request (you're not the first to bring it up).

    Nevertheless, in the current state of things, it's likely not going to happen.

  • And what does happen the day you don't want/can't handle the moderation job anymore ?

    At least, with English forums, even if all moderators go, Scirra boys still can understand/handle it.

    Not the same with a foreign language they don't speak, and still they would be responsible for what is posted in this part.

    If you really want to, join the already existing community of your language and be an engine for their development there. Either acting as moderator, providing tutorials and support, etc...

    Or make a new website/community, better organised/developed, anything to make the community work better.

    But understand it's not something that can be easily achieved on Scirra's forums.

    (I'm not a native English speaker as well, I get your point, but I get where Scirra is standing as well)