Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Once again, I think you're suffering from a misconception of what a plugin would really do for you as well as what bulletXML really is. It is a format, not a language.

    I think you expect a "feed the plugin a bulletXML sheet and it will spit bullet patterns on the screen".

    And in that you are wrong. And the stuff you keep linking just displays that.

    A plugin would maybe give you specific events and triggers but you still would have to interface those in the event sheet/project objects/behaviors like Newt mentioned in his previous answer.

    So it kinda does defeat the purpose of an external plugin anyway. You could not just have a "fits all cases" plugin.

    You can try to make me look as the bad guy, but the way you've posted all over this thread blaming internet forums rather than actually trying to understand the answers given don't really stand.

    And if you were SO interested in "the common good" you wouldn't be "threatening" of "keeping it to yourself".

    Anyway good luck with your project.

  • That is incredibly condescending. I'm not a programmer, therefore I cannot possibly understand anything about programming? Come on.

    It's not my fault if your posts so far let that appear.

    I think you're missing the point of me asking for a plugin. [...] so I don't have to.

    Oh so that's the part where I talked about you don't wanting to put the effort in. Yes, I think I'm missing the point...

    "can't be done because arbitrary reason X

    True, technology/software implementation is completely arbitrary.

    To make an analogy, you asked if we could make a car fly, we said no because of technology/design reasons and you point out an helicopter and stress that it does fly, and so we're just mean and not willing to help out.

    You might consider me condescending, I'm just pointing out what you have posted.

  • Arima: I'm just looking for the name of actual games people consider big and/or complex and that they do play and the time they've spent playing it on mobile devices.

    That's all.

    As I mentioned in the first post, I'm not a mobile player myself, that's why I'm curious to see what others have played and what they consider complex.

    Some people mentioned a few games, unfortunately just a vague estimate of the actual time they spent on it.

    That's also to understand better in the discussions where the "C2 can't make big or complex games on mobiles" argument come, what games those people are referring to.

    So far, I must admit, I still don't.

  • I'm not a programmer

    So that's why you seem to be missing the point of all the answers in this thread so far.

    Example :

    Rex - XML object doesn't work in cocoonJS

    You - Yes but maybe JavaScript will make it work

    Me - The XML object IS made in JavaScript AND SO does not work in cocoonJS

    You - %ssp@%$µ%*µ - No help ! Bloody forums...

    You can act all offended and mighty, the truth to the matter is you have no clue what you're talking about and it's not because you don't like the answers you've been given that those answers aren't helpful.

    They are. You just don't want to put the effort in.

    Good luck on the internet and in game making in general.

  • i think the more complex games for C2 for the cellphone could be some tactical multiplayer games because of the AI and because it needs database, items, stats.

    That's not what I'm asking in the first post.

    I'm asking what are the most complex games people have ACTUALLY played on mobiles and for how long.

    So far, very few realistic and complete answers to that simple question.

    As I suspected, possibly people don't play "big and complex games" on mobiles.

  • Construct's XML object, like all plugins and behaviors ARE JavaScript.

    You can link bulletml's SDK all you want, all it does is read XML files and execute functions out of it.

    You could very well program this in events yourself, nothing a plugin would really add here.

  • MaorKeshet: Well as far as I experienced, this error comes from trying to display an ad. All the other features from the SDK works without needing to export it.

  • MaorKeshet: As explained in the accompanying documentation when downloading the SDK/C2 plugin, you have to add a few lines to the index.html file to properly start the API and so completely preview it.

    3. You don't, the advertisement is opened "over" the canvas as a modal window.

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  • Audacity (Audio editor, Open source)

    GIMP (Graphic editor, Open source)

    Inkscape (Vector graphic editor, Open source)

    Blender (3D RAD, Open source)

    Debut Video Capture (Paid) Screen video capture

    There's just not one list, nevertheless open source softwares can help reduce the price of your toolbox with more than decent alternatives to otherwise overly complicated softwares.

    Also you can download and use those without being a pirate.

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  • Does a chartboost plugin exist for Construct 2?

    Not that I'm aware of.

    If not, is it possible for me to make a chartboost extension to receive ad revenue?

    Not sure.

    You can expand C2 thanks to C2's JavaScript SDK but apparently, chartboost doesn't have a JavaScript SDK though.

  • Indeed, it still creates a "C2_runtime_tmp.js" file. Renaming by removing the "_tmp" allows the game to work, nevertheless, there is the check failure on HTML5 website export.

  • Tried it in FireFox 29.1, and Chrome 34, both work as expected. Even on export.

    Not sure what your issue is here.

  • As long as you export as "HTML5 website" and that your partner actually uses an iframe rather than a div, all should work fine.

    This tutorial should help.

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