Maybe R-Type and R-type 2 (I know they are technically emulated, but are official games for android), Cut the rope (not the 2, watching ads for more plays is laaaaaaame), the lite version of Sonic CD.
All three well polished and enjoyable in my humble opinion.
I also play syobon action and cat the wool (obvious rip off of cut the rope), one is a quick portage that does not feel in it s place on a touch device (Sonic CD feels better, R type have two kinds of controls, not that responsive, but good enough so it is better at least), the other is a bad rip off, with bad finitions, somewhat ads abusive, a sort of 30 fps logic that makes the animation of the cat more fluid than the actual physic of the game, and also not that fun to play (also ads are making bugs in the game, lolz)
Of course the mobile have the advantage/handicap of touchscreen, and it is up to us to use it properly.
Edit:Countless hours spent on cut the rope, a few hours on r type and r type 2 (I am not great on shooters, but love r type, so the hours count will go up), not much time on the lite version of sonic cd (but if one day I have the full game, oh boy..)
In the exemple I ve quote, all of them can save right after a stage so you can play quickly.