Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • You may want to contact to ask for the ability to post links, it's not something moderators have power to do.

    Regarding your documentation, I must admit that expressions are a bit long. I understand it has probably to see with the way you maintain your codebase in regular language, but having a "nuggeta_" prefix/workspace first on each expression, in the frame of C2, may be a bit tedious since those expressions are tied to the plugin (likely Nuggeta object) in the first place.

    It will probably be the kind of plugin that the expression dialog is a must have for so it's not that big of a deal I guess

    It's just not the most "current" way of naming expressions we're used to. (they tend to be closer to plain English, less "computer language" oriented)

    Nevertheless good job and thanks on providing a full plugin for your service !

  • Removed.

  • Overlapping in that case considers you are overlapping the current tile as well as all its neighbours.

    Simply reduce the size of your player's sprite by a few pixels it will only return the very tile you're overlapping.

  • There's apparently an issue in your code. Post your capx accompanying your post and it should make it easier for us to check it out and spot the issue.

    Without the code, no way to tell where you went wrong.

    It sounds like you may have been using the "Mouse on left button clicked" instead of "Mouse on left button down" condition, since a single click seems to go to full acceleration.

  • Start of layout

    .. Audio: X (inverted) Is "Music" Playing ? => Audio: Play your-music-file tag: "Music"

    Have this in your common event sheet or as Start of layout event for all your layouts event sheets, and it will do the job.

    It will only try to play the music when, on start of layout, the song isn't already playing.

  • Well, I guess you could, be it might but pretty complex and delicate.

    For sure, C2's runtime is javascript and not meant by default to execute python.

    A quick google search seems to return some python compiled/ers into javascript.

    You could first compile your python code and then use the browser object's actions "Execute javascript" nor "ExecJS".

    Be sure to read the "Risks with Javascript string execution" of the manual article, and be sure about what you're doing.

    Also it's a long stretch, relying on external compilers, hoping they are compatible and compliant with the same JS standards used by C2 and browsers, and then making sure you're executing their code correctly.

    Maybe you should detail a bit more what exactly is your intent by using Python.

  • Hum, roguelike has turn-based movement ? I did not even knew that.

    For turn-based movement you can check out the tutorial I made a while ago.

    • Post link icon

    You've already been warned about the nature of the forums and the nature of people participating in the forums.

    Also there is a thread where to post questions in relation to the jam that would possibly gather more attention to your questions, and possibly could help you get some answer.

    Venting about "selfishness" or ignorance does not help.

    As far as it goes, I personally know the answer to question 1 the jury is made from people from Newgrounds. I don't know exactly who they are, and I don't really care either.

    Your question 2 doesn't even make sense in English, it's lacking a few words I think.

    Question 3 I don't know the answer. I'd guess you could, but it would be a perfect question for the topic linked earlier that would have been the better place in the first place where to ask.

    Question 4: better games draw more traffic. Also people have networks to bring more people to view their games, I guess. It's like asking why AAA games draw more buys than indy titles tbh. Marketing, networks, notoriety and some quality degree.

    Nevertheless, locking this topic, ask your questions in the relevant topic, and next time you get impatient or vent again because no one answers your posts, it might be a ban as I'm getting tired of your childish/self-entitled attitude. In another topic of the same sort, you've already had to apologize because of your hastiness.

    Try to not have to apologize and just be patient and wary of where and what you are posting. Once again, it is not because you post that you are entitled to an answer.

    Also posting a sunday evening your post does not get attention and then gets drowned by the other amount of posts/threads posted.

    If you are ignorant about the good posting methods, don't blame the forums users, blame yourself.

  • The files you are missing are in the folder hierarchy in the "Project" tab.

    They are under Files/Icon.

    Simply open each file and open an image, like for sprites in the image editor.

    Save the capx as a new file (make a new iteration), it should help make sure the capx does not "corrupt" further.

  • Well the capx appears to be missing some png files (the loading icons and the favicons for the project), this might be an issue in the long run and might cause the javascript issue.

    As for your problem, simply add a system condition "Else" to events 29 to 31.

    It's just a (common) issue of how events work. You press S, the code testes if you're positioned over a "up" stairs, yes ? then it moves the character.

    Then it testes is the character positioned over a "down" stairs ? Well, now yes it is since I moved it as a result of my very previous test. So moving the character again, you are under the impression it hasn't moved from the "up" stairs when actually in the same tick, it moved twice.

    Adding the "Else" condition allows you to prevent that behavior and the checks to perform as you intend.

    No bug here.

  • Epic Game Jam : - 1st June - Submissions+website - 4th to 6th July 2014 - Jam itself.

  • Game loads and plays music in FF, as expected I guess. No dialog that I can tell of.

  • Same issue ?

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  • Maybe I really don't understand.

    You don't and here's why :

    "It can also be done with just events" is not a viable argument. There is a large library of well-known patterns written in BulletML on the internet. The point is to make these available for use in Construct 2.

    It's a perfectly viable argument. I'm not saying to replace the xml file with events but the actual "translation" of those files which is what a plugin supposedly would do. And that's where you are missing the point of ALL my answers so far !

    I see no reason why it would be impossible to have a plugin read a pattern file and execute it. E.g. the Unity wrapper does just that.

    Helicopter vs car.

    Unity is not C2, it's not designed and built the same way.

    So what works in one does not necessary works in the other as well.

    And see the next answer for further reasons...

    It can obviously be done in JavaScript, as evidenced by the bulletml.js demos. C2 is also JS-based. The C2 engine and modern browsers can handle hundreds of objects without breaking a sweat. (Though some of the more advanced patterns need to handle thousands of on-screen bullets, which would require optimization out of scope of a plugin.)

    A C2 plugin still relies on the objects in a C2 project. Your plugin won't magically spawn thousands of sprite objects from the void. Especially if you want after to handle their collisions or keep some handling on those objects.

    So even if C2 plugins are indeed written in JavaScript, it's not because there is some JS SDK of some feature that it can necessary be turned into a C2 plugin.

    And that's why the reading/translating of the xml file should rather be done in events, as mentioned already times and times again in Newt's and my posts.

    So strangely enough, a few posts ago when I mentioned you had no clue/did not understand what you were asking, seems I was right. And all along I took the time to answer your questions and try to help/educate you while all you were doing was insulting me and this community, rambling about things you did not get in the first place.

    I'm done as well. Enough time lost, enough energy spent.