Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • DUTOIT So you are telling me not to post and be active on scirra?

    Well that's not the first time that you have been asked to be more considerate about your posting, right ?

    Now you are catching a glimpse at the image of yourself you are sending to other members with your relentless and sometime thoughtless posts.

    A young fiery guy who does not take the time to think through before posting. That's not the first time you've been warned about it, now deal with it.

    By the way this topic is in the open topic forum so I can post anything I want but ofcourse keeping it civil as it says. If it is an open topic I can make topics for "What is your fave color" and I shouldn't be judged.

    You'll be judged. Open topic doesn't mean "I can post anything for the sole purpose of posting".

    As always, keep it considerate. TO be fair if I see a "Your fave color" topic by you, I'll delete it. Because first, you'll likely be the only one to have posted in it. And second, it makes nothing but bringing noise to the forums. Forums which don't need that. And you've already been told about this as well in the past.

    What about doing a bit of research on subjects before posting about them Naji ?

    That's not the first time I have to tell you this either by the way. I must admit I'm really getting tired of your act. I'd appreciate if you could grow up a bit.

    I know you're young, but damn when I was your age I hadn't the wealth of informations the internet now is. You do. Make use of it !

    When I did not know a word I had to open a big book called "dictionary" to look definitions into it.

    On the internet, there are translation tools that can provide you the answer in a matter of seconds it takes you to input the keyword.

    USE THE TOOLS AT YOUR DISPOSAL ! Search engines, online dictionaries, translation tools, wealth of documentation about actual computers stuff...

    And to get back on the initial subject.

    How fun would it be if I were to go to your lightbulb studio page and change your logo with a picture of a naked man ? Huh, I guess you wouldn't laugh at it.

    So now you have your answer about letting anyone modify anything on the net without the single bit of control over it.

    People are responsible for what they put online, there is a reason for it. And as responsible for this content, it shouldn't be possibly modified by someone else without consent or they knowing about it.

  • I like to refer to that episode of Extra Credits : Playing like a designer (

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    Sometimes you play game for the purpose of analysis, or you can't really prevent analysis, but it is actually another kind of fun as well.

    And some other games you play just for the sake of playing, to change your ideas, just to enjoy or because you like them.

    Some games also are so requiring (I'm thinking multiplayer action games here for example) that you might be more focused on the current action rather than "taking a step back" and analysing its design right away.

    All in all, it's possibly an added layer which does not prevent from enjoying the game in the end.

  • Invisible or out of the layout is actually the same. It's not being processed in the renderer. Hence same performance.

    Spawning the object when needing, on the opposite, will have a hit on performances even if Ashley made a hell of a job optimizing garbage collection.

    You probably should read the older blog articles, a lot is explained in there on C2's architecture, garbage collection, optimization, memory...

    As for performance tips, this manual article contains what needs to be taken into account.

  • Tekniko: December 2011/January 2012 and so far I haven't missed/skipped a month.

  • 3rd part non-official plugins are posted in the "Extending Construct 2" forum.

    As far as I'm aware, no non-official addon is provided with Construct2 (either standalone or Steam version).

  • I'm afraid this screenshot alone can't help us to help you.

    Please attach your full capx, that will make it easier for us to understand what you did so far and propose you a solution to your issue.

    Or at least allow a discussion to check out further what is it you are trying to achieve.

  • Attach a capx to your post.

    That will make it easier for anyone to investigate and provide help in return.

  • Consider attaching your current capx with your post, that will make it easier for everyone to see exactly what you have going on.

    So far you have been pretty vague with the description of your issue.

  • Kyatric Trust me the nausea is not a reason to not support the Rift, especially for a 2D game. That is almost akin to saying rollercoasters should not be built.

    That's not what I'm saying, but you also have to understand that due to this current issue, the OR isn't the VR revolution some believe it is going to be. I doubt the OR will be universal because of this specific issue.

    I understand it probably isn't on the top of Scirra's to do list but as a new device with plenty of backing and more than just potential it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for them to put in a little bit of research to see what is possible.

    Nothing to see with Scirra, as I already mentioned two times, it is about the support in browsers that browser's vendors should provide.

    If they (Microsoft, Google, Mozilla, Apple, ...) don't add the OR HTML5 support to their browsers, there is nothing Scirra can do about it anyway.

  • See this topic on Steam's forums on how to get the beta version on Steam.

    Indeed at the moment this plugin is only available in Beta release.

  • The how do I FAQ contains about four different items/examples of how to make that through events. It's not necessary one single action, but still it's manageable and native since it's done through the events system.

  • In case other people are making a search and finding this topic there is also the tutorial "How C2 licenses work, paragraph "Using your license" explaining more on the process.

  • whalan84: The motion sickness is more than just lag because of an old computer.

    Certain FPS with "head bobbing" will make you nauseous right away. Some others won't.

    I used to be able to play old FPS like Wolfenstein3D, Doom, Quake and so on for hours when I was younger I'd feel nauseous but it would take hours before it would declare itself and be really noticeable.

    As I grew older, playing those same games on far more powerful computers I lost the stamina to do so and felt the nausea coming far sooner (a matter of minutes instead of hours).

    It's more a physical human issue than really a computer hardware problem I believe.

    As for the support, well as I said, if browser vendors do ever support OR and interface it with HTML5, it could be possible.

    But I'm not sure that's a priority for them, especially since apparently at the moment, 2D fonts are still a bit blurry within the OR and so long reading sessions are not the most fun activity to do on OR, whereas on browser it is still OK.

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  • In September 2014

    New releases

    Beta users,

    please provide feedback to Ashley, he's planning on releasing a stable release ASAP but needs feedback first.

    The features listed here are only the "highlighted" features for each release. Check each release page to see the complete changelog and comments for each version)

    Be sure to keep updated to the

    most recent release of Construct 2

    If you think you have found a bug in Construct 2 you can report it in this forum BUT

    • Make sure it is not already a reported bug by searching through the "Bugs" forum
    • Make sure it is not a bug in your events, a difference between what you have coded and what you would expect
    • Make sure you're using the very latest version of Construct 2 (beta possibly, stable if this is the very latest release available)
    • Attach a .capx of the issue in the simplest manner possible (no 100+ events capx, no 10 mb capx)
    • Make sure to read How to report bugs before posting and providing all the required informations (your configuration, the steps to use to reproduce the bug, any relevant information you can provide)

    It is really important since about 50% of reports aren't bugs which takes time out of working on Construct2 directly.

    Be responsible, help everybody by making sure it's not your events in cause first.

    Third part addons

    WebGL Effects

    Blog posts

    • Scirra
      • Win a flying monkey - To celebrate a new promotional (awesome looking) video, Tom proposes to have some flying monkeys and stickers as prizes for some randomly chosen retweets and comments helping spread the word about the new video and Construct 2. The "contest" might be over, but the video and C2 certainly deserve the shares.
      • HTML5 game performance on iOS 8 - An article that display the new benchmark performed by Ashley that sums up the performances with the current exporters on iOS 7 and iOS8.
      • Construct 2 bundle on sale now on - An article that was listing the several bundles/sales available for Construct 2.


    Former retrospect

    As an added bonus, here is a list of the former "What you may have missed" posts for the year.

    Good October all.

    Be sure to make as many games as possible.

    For that you may want to take part in game jams.

  • You know the size in pixels of your text object. You can know the number of characters of your text thanks to the system expression "len()".

    Divide one by the other, and you should be able to determine the text size you need.