Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Can't reproduce.

    Please make sure your graphic card drivers are up to date.

    Selecting the sprite and getting the animation to preview works as intended and display a white preview window.

    Let us know if you can fin reproduction steps even after update of the drivers.

  • This tutorial relies on a sprite pack that comes bundle when buying a license version of C2.

    But in the absolute you can use any sprite sheet or sprites you want. Just prepare the tutorial in advance and go to some place like to find fitting sprites to use.

  • To further your answer.

    The variable was probably not empty when not rounding it but something big like, for example, "1.13548341583454132138534436415438" (a random float number).

    If your text object is not wide enough, it won't display the text and appear as "empty", when it actually isn't.

    Rounding the number makes sure it's either 1, 2 or 3 and so will be displayed.

  • Check out the JavaScript SDK manual as well as the JavaScript SDK forum.

    You should be able to find out the answers to that question there.

  • In my tutorial Asteroid clone in less than 100 events's score system, I show you a way to sort your score within an array before saving it to webstorage all at once.

    You can adapt the array sorting to only pick the score you are interested in and then save it as its own individual webstorage key.

  • It's probably more a matter of personal habits/preferences and logic.

  • Indeed the Browser's "On back button" could be your solution, even if it seems quite restricted indeed.

    It might be worth to check out within CocoonJS' plugin itself if they don't have a "On exit" condition you could use.

    But to be fair, it's likely that the condition your are looking for only happens when exiting the application. And so, your text would only be displayed an instant before "disappearing" along your closing application.

    Think about that before spending too much time looking down for this.

  • Check out the "How do I FAQ" at the section "AJAX", it should have all the informations you need, and examples of use.

    You can also use this keyword while searching for tutorials, IIRC there have already been a few tutorials on the subject as well.

  • I have to agree with OddConfection and alvarop, there are already countless programmers communities over the web, gathered around languages, practices, etc...

    Adding one more section to our forum would mostly add noise and modify the scope of the forums.

    We deal with Scirra's game making tools. For discussions about C++, PHP or whatever, do a keyword search in a search engine, that seems far more appropriate.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Sestenes: Nothing to see with the Hash plugin, it's simply your text2 that isn't wide enough to display the whole hash.

    When that happens, text objects just goes and display nothing.

    Make your text2 far wider, and you will see the hash being displayed.

  • My plan is to make it something like roguelikeradio or the game design roundtable, where it's all about the discussion and nothing like a radio show.

    I'm not familiar with those. I'll check them out when I have a bit of time.

    To be fair, the couple of podcasts I follow are in French and lead by game journalists rather than design discussions, so in their format they do have points/segments like a radio show indeed.

    And if you ever want to do the "what have you missed" thing on the podcast, it could become a segment (hehe).

    I guess that could be considered, even if the written format lends itself more easily since there are a lot of links to provide, which is more difficult to convey on podcast I guess.

    My point was starting with mobile and C2 isn't really the best way to learn as there are lots of obstacles to creating mobile apps, apple submission being one.

    Agreed and this point likely makes sense (I actually haven't tried to submit anything to iOS as I don't own such a device, it was never a target of mine).

  • Nice stuff.

    I've been meaning to start up a sort of podcast, a bit like the "what you may have missed" monthly topic and having indeed interviews with people of the community and stuff like that.

    I guess it's nice that finally it's being taking on by other members of the community.

    One thing I found a bit strange/confusing is that, according to you, one of the drawbacks of Construct 2 is Apple's mobile app submission process. Oo

    It feels a bit weird the way you presented this aspect.

    How can you put that as a drawback on C2 when it's clearly another company's doing and this goes for all applications that are being submitted to them ?

    Apart from that, it was a cool discussion.

    Otherwise, the sound is very nice and it's easy to understand and follow even for a non-native speaker, so that's cool. It feels quite pro.

    I'm wondering if you'll be able to handle the weekly planning, if I were you, I'd start with monthly or at least bi-weekly (to let the time to record/edit, handle guests, etc...).

    Are you planning on some different rubrics or or perhaps discussion points, to not just have a single "lengthy" conversation/theme ?

    I'm looking forward to the next podcasts and possibly be a guest there at some point.

  • Sestenes: Make sure to create a new folder in the "exporters\html5\plugins" folder, and not just copy the files at the root of the plugin folder.

    Otherwise, I've just tested in r184, the plugin is working as intended and still compatible with the current version.

  • Spriter ?

  • On your "Start of layout" event, add a "System: For each Violet_Mask" subevent that contains all the Violet_Mask related actions.