KaMiZoTo's Forum Posts

  • s0nic5o000 Well thank you for the 3 stars. That's better than zero!

    Sorry to hear you had no fun playing it. I guess sometimes it just doesn't work on some people. But it's ok.

  • Glad you like it guys!

    delgado if you have Adblock, switch it off. It should work. If you don't have Adblock, I have no idea. :/

  • I think it's a very interesting game kit for the shop.

    So,... *shut up and take my money!*

  • Thank you all for your feedback!

    liquidmetal Damn. I can't reproduce the 'O' bug. I hope it will be rare.

    For the ball bug, I'm trying a little fix. Thanx for noticing!

  • My entry to the Construct2 'Deception' jam is now available on the Scirra Arcade.

    Please do not play and do not enjoy as there is no game! Trust me!

  • Hello robbe

    Well I'm not 100% sure but the SID is a 16 generated number ID for the events. So you shouldn't worry about it.

    Getting the same exact SID from two different projects would be very very rare!

    I had no problem with it from now.

  • It's going to be so Rad!!!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • gillenew This is sooooo cute!!!!

  • I like that.

    I like that a lot!!

  • Great!

  • Fireche R0J0hound Hello! Could you try again the game and see if you still get a white screen? Thanx!


  • Hello,

    Here is the translation of the Squale tutorial on how to merge two C2 projects.

    French version here


    First, you should make a save copy of your projects to avoid a possible disaster.

    We need to work with the project files, not the simple capx. If you have a simple capx, you can just rename the extension .capx by .zip and unzip it to access all the files.

    It's better to work with 3 folders : First project / Second project / FinalMerged project (which is an empty project).

    Very important : before starting the merge process, be sure to have no duplicate names (layouts / objects / families..Etc)

    Layers can have the same name BUT be careful with Global layers. (prefer to give them a different name in each project or you will have surprises)

    In the Final folder, we will have to rebuilt the entire project :

    (Don't pay attention to .uistate.xml files. They don't need to be copied.)

    Animation folder

    Copy the folders from the two projects (beware of duplicate names)

    Event sheets forlder

    Copy the folders from the two projects (beware of duplicate names)

    Open with a text editor like Notepad++ and make these modifications if needed :

    Give different names

    <name>Event sheet 1</name>

    If the code targets to another layout, check the names

    (But if you already well prepared both projects without duplicate names, you shouldn't have to do this)

    Files folder

    Must contain the entire files of both 'files' folders.

    Textures folder

    Must contain the entire files of both 'Textures' folders. (if you have some)

    Layouts folder

    Copy the folders from the two projects (beware of duplicate names)

    <name>layout name identical to the xml name</name>

    <event-sheet>Related event sheet name</event-sheet>

    Ok, now the hard part.


    Open the . caproj of each project with a text editor like Notepad++ and make these modifications :


    Copy the 2 projects content into the final one(Be careful to only copy the different plugins! Only one of each type.)


    Copy the 2 projects content (Be careful to only copy the different behaviors! Only one of each type.)


    Copy the 2 projects content (Be careful to only copy the different effects! Only one of each type.)


    Add all different objects contained between the two beacons <object-folder></object-folder> of each project, one after the other.


    Do the same for the families (if you have some)


    <layout>Layout name.xml</layout>

    <layout>Layout name2.xml</layout>

    Insert all the layout file names contained in Layout.


    <event-sheet>Event sheet 1.xml</event-sheet>

    <event-sheet>Event sheet 2.xml</event-sheet>

    Insert all the event sheet file names contained in Event sheets.

    <global-instances> (don't look for you ingame global instances, that's not the same thing. They are contained into the eventsheets.)

    Copy the 2 projects content (Be careful to only copy the different instances! Only one of each type.)


    Copy the 2 projects content.


    Copy the 2 projects content.


    Copy the 2 projects content.

    And voilà.

    It should work. But if it doesn't, you will probably get an error message from C2 that indicates the issue line number in the capx. Just go check it and correct it.

    Thanx again to Squale for the help.

  • Aurel Thank you! <3

    Squale, from the french community site 'Construct-French.fr' has made a nice tutorial to explain how to merge two projects.


    Sorry it's in french. :/

    I will try to translate it in a HOW TO post.

  • Hello everyone,

    Today, there's no way to import a project into another.

    There are some 'tricks' but you still have to :

    -Recreate the layouts with size, options..Etc

    -Recreate the all layers with name, fx, options..Etc

    -Paste the objects on each layout and position them as the old one

    -Recreate the families

    -Reimport manually all the sounds

    I probably forgot things but what I bump into is enough to come here and ask that question :

    "Could it be possible to include in C2 an option that can make that import action easier?'

    Even if I already rename every element of the game to avoid duplicates, I really don't know if it's possible technically speaking.

    If I'm trying to merge Two projects is because I want to include a minigame into another big game. It's quite common.

    It's better to work on the minigame on one side and the big one on the other side. That way I don't risk possible mistakes on the big one and also I don't have to load that big game in memory each time I test something on the little one.

    I can also playtest online the minigame easely without sharing the big project.

    It could be very useful to have an import project option!