Justin1967's Forum Posts

  • Hey,

    I've tested your game. Nice game. I just noticed that the spikes almost always appaer on the upper half of the field.

    Maybe it's me ofcourse.



    I used two For Loops for the spikes. Checking each iteration if a spike should be made and the max number of spikes has not been reached. I'm thinking of a better way to make the spikes with the least amount of code. Suggestions?

  • I really like the concept. Might want to fine-tune the spikes as they are pretty much random. Would rather have it increase in difficulty over time. I really love when people create something that is really good concept-wise with so few events. +1

    (and yes, I know the origin of the concept)

    Hi TheNormalGeek,

    Thanks for the input. Very much appreciated. I'm still working on your suggestion about the difficulty over time. I'm getting there though Added some soundFX, music and the Scirra Arcade Leaderboard just for the fun of it.

  • Finished my third game. It's a reproduction of 'Don't Touch The Spikes'

    An Intro Event Sheet - 9 events

    A Game Event Sheet - 28 events

    Function object

    Mouse object

    Touch object

    9 sprites

    3 text objects

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/puzzle-ga ... ooked-5398

    Again, feedback is appreciated.


  • Awesome clone. Zigzag is the shit.

    Thanks jgoldcaptain

  • Spot on.

    A clone indeed. Good job1!

    Thanks kthrock

  • Thanks for looking into it Mike

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  • Justin1967: Sure, where can I download the capx file?

    File in the Arcade.

  • Justin1967: No problem Justin. I was just surprised and was wondering if it was by design. Also it reminded me to look into delta timing again for my CS2 project.

    Hey MikeHart,

    I ran the game on my other laptop. It has 2Gb of memory and is running with Vista on a 64bit system. The game seems to be running well on that one. The other laptop is a 32bit system also with 2Gb of memory with Vista. Slow, but not that slow. I do have delta timing in this project. Would you mind taking a look at the .capx file to see if it's set up correctly?


  • Is it surpose to be soooo fast?

    Sorry about that MikeHart I didn't test it on my PC. My laptop is kinda slow. I uploaded another version with the correct speed. It seems better.

  • Very good, love it.

    I also had a go at replicating the original missile command, I had great fun doing it.

    You can find my version here

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/action-ga ... ander-3491

    Hey Sizcoz,

    Great stuff!

  • My simplified version of Missle Command in the Arcade, but it's still a WIP.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/shooting- ... -2016-4660

    Used only 17 events.

    1 Layout

    1 Event Sheet

    3 Layers

    7 sprites

    4 Text objects



    Comments and suggestions much appreciated, as usual.


  • I didn't know you could upload a .capx file on Arcade. No need for PM or a request. It's now available for download

  • Thanks for your feedback guys! Much appreciated.

    Kiozuky, it's a pitty that you're not seeing things. I'm pretty sure it's a graphics driver glitch

  • I tried playing it on my other laptop and I get the same result. Perhaps a graphics driver issue? I'm going to update it and see if that helps.

  • Hey guys,

    Posted a ZigZag clone in the Scirra Arcade. Uses 35 events.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/puzzle-ga ... clone-4503

    The game contains:

    -5 sprites

    -3 text objects

    -2 audio files

    -3 Global variables

    -4 Local variables

    -4 Instance variables

    If you may have any suggestions or comments, please post them or PM me. If you are interested in the .capx file then also PM me.
