Don't Get Hooked

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From the Asset Store
Tap the ball, control it, avoid touching spikes and score higher!
  • Finished my third game. It's a reproduction of 'Don't Touch The Spikes'

    An Intro Event Sheet - 9 events

    A Game Event Sheet - 28 events

    Function object

    Mouse object

    Touch object

    9 sprites

    3 text objects ... ooked-5398

    Again, feedback is appreciated.


  • I really like the concept. Might want to fine-tune the spikes as they are pretty much random. Would rather have it increase in difficulty over time. I really love when people create something that is really good concept-wise with so few events. +1

    (and yes, I know the origin of the concept)

  • Its good but there is a lot you can add to the game like a music & sounds, highscore board, different background images, some animation to the fishes so it looks like they really swimming.

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  • I really like the concept. Might want to fine-tune the spikes as they are pretty much random. Would rather have it increase in difficulty over time. I really love when people create something that is really good concept-wise with so few events. +1

    (and yes, I know the origin of the concept)

    Hi TheNormalGeek,

    Thanks for the input. Very much appreciated. I'm still working on your suggestion about the difficulty over time. I'm getting there though Added some soundFX, music and the Scirra Arcade Leaderboard just for the fun of it.

  • Hey,

    I've tested your game. Nice game. I just noticed that the spikes almost always appaer on the upper half of the field.

    Maybe it's me ofcourse.


  • Hey,

    I've tested your game. Nice game. I just noticed that the spikes almost always appaer on the upper half of the field.

    Maybe it's me ofcourse.



    I used two For Loops for the spikes. Checking each iteration if a spike should be made and the max number of spikes has not been reached. I'm thinking of a better way to make the spikes with the least amount of code. Suggestions?

  • Hey R00ler and TheNormalGeek,

    First of all I got rid of the For Next Loops. Replaced them with just a couple of instance variables and a few more events.

    Kept the whole thing under 50 events. 49 to be exact. As time passes the number of spikes increases and are better randomly spread.

    Thanks for all your suggestions, it was fun making this clone.


  • Hey R00ler and TheNormalGeek,

    First of all I got rid of the For Next Loops. Replaced them with just a couple of instance variables and a few more events.

    Kept the whole thing under 50 events. 49 to be exact. As time passes the number of spikes increases and are better randomly spread.

    Thanks for all your suggestions, it was fun making this clone.


    Might want to add a mute button just in case / volume slider.

  • Good one! I'll work on that tonight.

  • I liked the way you did the game: choose a character and those candy items that appear.

    Very good.

  • I liked the way you did the game: choose a character and those candy items that appear.

    Very good.

    Thanks nemezes. I saw this game and I wanted to see if I could replicate it in C2. Seems to have worked out just fine

  • > I liked the way you did the game: choose a character and those candy items that appear.


    > Very good.


    Thanks nemezes. I saw this game and I wanted to see if I could replicate it in C2. Seems to have worked out just fine

    Yeah, I played one game like this and did not have the option to choose the character or the bonus candies.

    If you want to improve the game graphics, I suggest to change the candies to something like fish food, could be an earthworm.

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