Justin1967's Forum Posts

  • Thanks DankP3. I will upload a capx made with the latest non beta version C2.

  • Added code to make sure that the stick length stayed within the window.

  • Added 2 more events to change the gradient background every 2 points.

    7 gradients, when the last one is reached, it starts over again with the first one.

  • Added the following:

    • If the stick is shorter or longer then it will rotate down
    • When our hero crosses over the stick will move with the blocks accordingly
    • 16 events

    I will added in some sfx, music, and background graphics



  • Just finished a template for StickHero.

    13 events in this one. Like to hear what you think of this. Made in C2 BETA R237




  • [Problem Soved]

    What I did in PhotoShop: Increased the purchased sprite font *.png height so that it had a blank row. It seems that if the last row of characters in the *.png are at the base, it won't display correctly in the layout.

  • Thanks Paradox, but it didn't work for me. I did scale it up in PS. Made is1024x768 (8 times larger than the original). In CS2 I also set the character width and height 8 times larger. Still in the layout distorted but in preview looks ok. Bugger hahaha.

  • Thanks glerikud. I'm going to scale it up in PS and see if that helps.

  • Thanks glerikud. But no luck there. Only on the layout is it distorted. When I preview it, it looks just fine.

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  • In the capx the first one is distorted (purchased) and the second one made with GiveYourFontsMono

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/11t71igo7lqp4 ... .capx?dl=0

  • I thought it could have been a driver issue, but I saved out a sprite font png and it's working just fine. I don't know if it has anything to do with size. I loaded the purchased sprite font in PS and saved it back out, but still it's distorted.

  • When adding a sprite font on the layout, it is distorted. But not when I preview it in the browser

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to solve this.

    Construct2 R226.



  • I liked the way you did the game: choose a character and those candy items that appear.

    Very good.

    Thanks nemezes. I saw this game and I wanted to see if I could replicate it in C2. Seems to have worked out just fine

  • Good one! I'll work on that tonight.

  • Hey R00ler and TheNormalGeek,

    First of all I got rid of the For Next Loops. Replaced them with just a couple of instance variables and a few more events.

    Kept the whole thing under 50 events. 49 to be exact. As time passes the number of spikes increases and are better randomly spread.

    Thanks for all your suggestions, it was fun making this clone.
