justifun's Forum Posts

  • yeah you can assign the same objects to two different families, and separate picking them that way

  • There's a plugin that will do just that

  • Another trick for part 1 of your question is to simply re export from C2 overwritting your old folder

    then, in XDK go to your "develop" tab, right click in the list of files on the left and choose "Refresh File Tree"

    thus skipping having to close and reopen the program

  • just make a copy of the sword frame, and delete the tip.

    then if you really want to get picky, calculate the distance between the two characters and pick the Long/Medium/Short version of the sword upon impact.

  • Simply open a chrome window and goto your computer's IP address


  • Here's the download link (page 5)

    and the thread in question

  • There's also a plugin called "Tiled Sprite" i believe that combines the best of animated sprites with tiled backgrounds, including rotating, and more importantly, animation.

  • RexRainbow also has a plugin called Pin at offset, or pin at imagepoint, which would be a nice simply way of offsetting one object from another.

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  • Thanks

    Is the syntax similar if you are reading it from an array object instead of using your plugin?

  • There's a plugin that can load animations after game has loaded, you can try experimenting with that

    http://c2rexplugins.weebly.com/rex_spri ... oader.html

  • So I'm trying to use this with json data that's been put into an array, and its reporting back this.

    [c2array] is a boolean : True

    [size] is an array of length: 3

    +---[0] is a number: 1

    +---[1] is a number: 1

    +---[2] is a number: 1

    [data] is an array of length: 1

    +---[0] is an array of length: 1

    +---+---[0] is an array of length: 1

    +---+---+---[0] is an object

    +---+---+---+---[Username] is a string : "Justin"

    +---+---+---+---[Password] is a string : "Test"

    +---+---+---+---[objectId] is a string : "NYulexXQuC"

    +---+---+---+---[createdAt] is a string : "2014-09-15T17:44:35.614Z"

    +---+---+---+---[updatedAt] is a string : "2014-09-15T17:44:35.614Z"

    But i can't figure out how to access the values of the data eg; username, password etc.

    eg: JSON.Value(0,"Username") is undefined.

  • There's a slightly quicker way to force the amazon fire tv to launch your game after side loading it. According to the official documents here: https://developer.amazon.com/appsandser ... g-your-app

    To send a launch intent to your app on the Amazon Fire TV device, use this command, where com.amazon.sample.helloworld is the package name of your app, and MainActivity is the name of your app's primary activity.

    adb shell am start -n com.amazon.sample.helloworld/.MainActivity

    ADB responds with a message similar to this, and your app begins running:

    Starting: Intent { cmp=com.amazon.sample.helloworld/.MainActivity }

    I can clearly see where my game is listed using the command

    adb shell pm list packages -f

    But what is the C2/XDK Equivilant of "MainActivity" in that example code?

  • russpuppy - any luck testing out the gamepad plugin?

  • So i think i found a bug. I'm using an input field as a password typing area, and whenever i type the number 1 or 2 or 3 on my keyboard, no data is entered into the field all the other numbers work fine.