justifun's Forum Posts

  • sounds cool jayderyu

  • Is there a way to tweak this effect so that it keeps how its showing the background through the particles, however it doesnt make everything else black?

  • So i'm having troubles trying to recreate a specific look that you sometimes see in animations.

    The effect i am going for is that of a watercolor painting, where the character act's as the mask for the paint layer below it.

    This is a bit different than simply coloring the sprite like a watercolor image.

    The desired result is a look of the character moving through the image of paper.

    I've been playing with all of the different layer style with no luck.

    When i create a layer with a full image of watercolor like paint, then put another sprite on top of it, and use destination out for example, I can see through the image mask, however the transparent parts of the player sprite show up as a black negative space.

    Any ideas?

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  • ovirta - can you add a trigger such as "on spline path finished"


  • Lets say you are making a bullet hell shoot em up, and you are making your ship fly through an environment (instead of simply scrolling the background art).

    If the ship and enemies are shooting, the bullets all drag behind, because they arn't taking into consideration the forward momentum of the movement through the environment. Is there a way to add that forward velocity to the bullets so that the shoot straight at the player?

  • So upon further investigation it appears its related to the difference in parallax between layers and needing to dive into using LayerToCanvas

    Here's an example tutorial / capx that really helped me understand it better.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1167/l ... er-example

    I dont know if its the easiest/cleanest solution but heres one workaround for my setup.

    Create a dummy object on the 0,0 parallax layer and position it overtop of the target using the code from the example. eg:

    set dummy target position = CanvasToLayerX("UI",LayerToCanvasX("level", Player.x, Player.y) ,LayerToCanvasY("level", Player.x, Player.y))

    this creates an object for the turret to aim and shoot at on the same layer as itself, but it follows the position of the object on the layer below.

    again, if anyone knows an easier or cleaner way around this, please let me know.

  • Here's an example capx


    I have an object on layer 1 with no parallax that is acting like a turret.

    Its target is an object that is moving through the scene with a scroll to behavior on it.

    The turret object successfully tracks and shoots at the target but after the target starts to move away and the scroll to starts tracking , while "visually" it appears within range of the turret, the actually X.Y of the target is outside of it, and therefore can't shoot at it anymore.

    SO..... is there a way to keep the turret object able to keep aiming at its target with a 2 layer system like this? or do i just need to put them on the same layer and keep them parented to the camera so that all objects update together and therefore never get to far apart?


  • There's also a plugin called "Tiled Sprite" which combines the power of a sprite and tiled BG together. Allowing you to have cool things like animation frames in a tiled bg. check it out.

    But to scale it, you'd probably have to do as colludium suggested and scale the layer instead

  • There was a new "Double Jump" and "Jump Sustain" property added to the platform behavior

    Setting "Double Jump" enabled will allow the player to jump twice. easy and simple

    setting Jump sustain is how long the player will continue to jump higher while still holding down the jump button.

    from the window "The new Jump Sustain, in milliseconds to sustain jump velocity for"

    just add them to your jumping parts of your game.

  • rexrainbow

    Is it possible to manipulate the tiles at runtime? For example

    If player touches "lava" tile -> damage player?

  • I'm trying to figure out a solution to determining which finger is the last one to to be removed.

    Consider this scenario

    You press and hold with one finger - the game creates an object there

    then add a second second finger and it creates an object at the second finger position

    Now remove the first finger

    desired result - the first object gets destroyed.

    how do i make the object under the finger that gets removed get destroyed?

  • I'd love to see support for the new "Sprite Lamp" 2D lighting system that's now available on steam.

    It seems to work with Game maker, so hopefully it will be easy to adapt to work with C2.

    Here's the link to the project


    And the list of supported platforms thus far

    http://snakehillgames.com/using-sprite- ... h-engines/

  • It would be awesome if the amazon fire tv gamepads worked with C2. Games export great to it and run really well. Sadly the gamepad plugin doesnt seem to work with the official controllers (but does with an ouya controller, go figure).

    If any proven plugin developer is available to take this on i will be willing to lend you an amazon fire TV for testing purposes while you work on it.


    https://developer.amazon.com/public/sol ... on-fire-tv

  • I dont know if this is the best approach, but lets say you are using webstorage to store their progress.

    At the beginning of the game, add in a check to see if your webstorage keys exist, and if so, load those high scores etc.

    So even if they install a new version it will check to see if they have played before and simply start with those scores for the high score table etc.

  • you could just make a white box sprite that looks like a text box, and simply add text to a text object to fake it.