Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • Lol, you just don't know how many times I had to stop and redo these videos to make my speech "perfect". It was so annoying lol..

  • Actually, video ads don't really uses that much data. It actually downloads one time and then caches off your phone. That's why you see some of the same ads sometimes.

    So go ahead and display those Video ads bro.

  • Back in November 2015, I released this book for sale on the Scirra Store. I've sold 140+ copies to date by including it in bundles in my other Scirra Store items. I really appreciate those for purchasing it. While it's not perfect and I missed a bit of extra detail. I'm proud to written an eBook to help someone in general. Fast forward to May 2016, I decided to release the eBook for free and create a video series. This series is great for beginners and I try to explain as detail as possible despite my speech impediment that I've grew up with. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad">

    If you wish to watch and follow the series, please click the link below. ... deo-series

    I would be happy if you subscribe to my Jetta88 Tech Youtube channel. I'm looking forward to posting more tutorials in the future.

    Also if you have a Twitter, please follow me there as well!!

    Thank you once again for everyone's support and I hope you enjoy what I've given back in return <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

  • Camtasia Studio if you can afford it.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • You have great organic keywords in your description. This is why you have all the organic downloads. Good job on the ASO (App Search Optimization).

  • > Wait what? Wii U is on its way out? Where to? From what?


    > Care to update me please?


    There are a lot of reports Nintendo is discontinuing their Wii U production and we may see their new console currently known as NX as early as this year. Given the poor performance of Wii U it is understandable and they are planning to port their popular Wii U games as launch titles for NX. Everything is speculation at this point but there is a lot of evidence that it could be true.

    Would be a dumb move to discontinuing considering the new Legend of Zelda game will also be releasing on Wii U next year..

  • Looks like u didn't earn enough to keep your account your hosting provider

    Actually.. I do make enough to cover the costs of the hosting provider (Only $27 a month, who can't afford that?), but I decided not to continue paying for a reseller hosting with NameCheap.

    I owned about 13 sites through NameCheap and just decided to shut them down.

  • I found this great gem.

    The best part is that you can use the sounds for personal or commercial games.


  • While the sale of my game, do "wss://" server is available?

    It's always available.. If there's no internal server issues at Scirra of course..

    But what does that have to do with selling your game?

  • To sell a game on Steam. Your game has to get greenlighted by the Steam Community first.

    Once greenlighted, Steam will contact you further on selling your game.

    Alternatively, you can also sell your game on or

  • That depends on Microsoft...

    You can follow here..

    As you can see it's not ready for PeerConnection API and DataChannels which is needed for basic multiplayer..

  • Use

    cordova-plugin-ad-admob under Third Party Plugins under Plugin Management. You will need to use Cranberry's Cordova Admob plugin in your project for it to work correctly.

    PhoneGap plugins no longer work well. Only Cordova based plugins.

  • Mission Complete screen for my game Team Notion

    Sped up to make gif file size smaller

    You better be porting that over to Xbox One Notion. I've been following your projects for years.

    Here's a quick screenshot of what I'm doing. No gif ready yet to showcase.

  • I use Intel XDK on a daily basis. It's just you that's having problems. I would start from scratch up to rebuilding your game from exporting in Construct 2.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads