Jase00's Forum Posts

  • Ashley Many thanks for the reply!

    Where would people share this? Like I mentioned, the topics are closed, so I can't ask the user "hey what's your email" or tell them mine. Unless I start a topic calling their name?

    I don't want to inherently share mine to the public or in an open topic, too. I would rather specifically choose who I would like to message, but even better if they had contact details on their profile (but this feature no longer exists on these forums?)

  • Thanks ! Admittedly though, I found this when searching and remember the user asking to get it sticked, so I take it it is unofficial.

    I would be very interested in an official means of communication, one that Scirra recommends everyone uses.

  • Ashley As PM's will not be returning, is there a recommended form of communication amongst forum users, such as maybe an official discord server that everyone is aware of?

    Over a week ago, I posted a bug report about a possible multiplayer bug, but I see you (Ashley) tried this and was unable to reproduce, and suggested some suspicious actions in my c3p file.

    I have been unable to provide more substantial detail as of now, but the bug still persists even with action changes, I already spent hours changing my events around in my main project and then was able to quickly reproduce this on a separate small c3p, at most I suspect maybe that clicking "preview" whilst already in a room will not auto-close the room, and then joining the same room causes issues (I don't know for sure but it's getting very tedious to test).

    Back to the point of this post: a user recently posted a multiplayer bug that sounded similar to my bug, and I saw their topic and bug report. I posted and shared that maybe my bug is similar to theirs.

    Well, now, both their forum topic and their bug report is closed... So how can I communicate with this one user to speak more, just in case discussing it may bring us to answers? I really don't want to blindly test for a further number of hours, and would be great to have the option to discuss this without worrying about the topic or bug report closing, which suddenly ends communication.

    Recently, I was able to discover the cause of a bug affecting multiple users when creating Keystores. After posting the fix, I realised there were posts spanning weeks about this bug as others were linking their own post to the fix I posted. The only reason I was able to help find this fix was due to googling someone's username and luckily finding an email address (which looks dodgy for that user to begin with).

    I will add that the Keystore bug did not affect me and I was doing this just to try to be helpful and be more part of the Scirra community.

    If there's no PM system or official discord, is it really just the case that we cannot communicate? Could we maybe have communication links in our profile (so people can click on our username, then see their email, or steam, or discord, etc.) please?

    If not, I have to say, it feels very unusual to have communication so restricted, it's discouraging to spend hours on a bug issue and come out with "cannot reproduce, check your events" which after doing gives the same results, and I don't have the ability to reach out to possibly similar users to discuss this.

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    I posted on your bug report with a link to a bug report I made recently that I thought might be related to your bug.

    Here is my recent post about this "joining room sometimes causes messages to fail" bug when using the Multiplayer plugin.


    And the bug report itself:


    I also provide a video in my bug report demonstrating this issue.

    If this is unrelated, I apologise, but I got stuck with my issue and Ashley could not reproduce, so I had moved on and made a temporary workaround in my project for now.

  • Ah wow, thanks for the reply! I missed a lot around here over the years.

  • Ashley , sorry, my reply was mostly emotionally driven, he seemed passionate but confused about how to present himself and I understand its not your responsibility to try and council someone either, that'd be absurd ofcourse.

    Is there a PM feature on the forum? I remember looking for this the other week but was unsure where to find this. Being able to talk one to one with forum members could be quite useful for examples like this.

  • Ah perfect, thank you! I didn't think to check open topic, I checked stickies in "Construct 3 General", stickies in "Website Issues and Feedback", then did quick Google - I was trying to be quick posting before going to work today so didn't look very thoroughly.

  • Hello!

    When writing a post to someone who seems to be unaware of the forum rules, it led me to find that, after a quick Google search and browsing some stickies topics, I cannot find the forum rules. I did find an old post from a user on this forum giving their ideas for rules but it received no replies!

    Could someone point me in the right direction?

    If this doesn't exist, it got me thinking - perhaps it's worth having a clear set of rules, some may start using a forum but have no idea how they operate, perhaps they're used to Facebook or reddit and just assume to post everything vaguely related to construct 3 under "Construct 3 - general".

    Just a quick thought!

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  • Unbelievably, this "Host not receiving peer messages" issue started happening on my project again just now, so I tried the test minimal c3p file that I prepared so that I can rule out my project, and it is reproducible!

    C3P file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=17R0tx-klxktMAUf2g8W_fHxfq35a0TC3

    I recorded the behaviour with OBS, please view here (0:38 long):

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    In the video, I do the following (Bare in mind it's random and very lucky I caught it like this):

    1. Click preview.
    2. Click preview again with ALT (to create extra window).
    3. Join room on Left Preview.
    4. Join room on Right Preview.
    5. I click "Send Hello" on peer, several times, you see peer's log say "Sent" so button is functional.
    6. I click over to Host, and nothing appears on the log. Notice the "PeerCount" is 2 on both previews, so same room.
    7. I click Preview (didn't touch any events).
    8. Repeat steps 3, 4.
    9. I click "Send Hello" on peer, several times, and it sends through and the Host log see's the messages.

    Is this a Multiplayer Plugin bug, or a Signalling Server bug, or something else entirely?

    I will look into filing a bug report (Haven't done one on github before).

  • Hello!

    Had two things I wanted to ask/share:

    "PeerCount" doesn't decrease when a peer uses "Leave Room"?

    Was testing last night, and can reproduce today still. When keeping track of "PeerCount" on both host and peer, and then having a peer join the same room as host, then both host and peer will see "PeerCount: 2", which is good.

    However, when the peer uses "leave room", then the peer will successfully leave and the peer's "PeerCount" goes to 0, but the host doesn't get any indication that the peer left and still see "PeerCount: 2", even after many minutes passed.

    Is this by design?

    This is important as if a player wanted to leave a room without restarting the game, they cannot gracefully leave. "On Peer Disconnect" does not trigger either.

    Here is a c3p file reproducing this effect. If anyone is happy to test this too? (You may want to change "Instance" when connecting to the game, as if anyone else tests, the peer count might be higher!)



    1. Preview the above C3P file, then hold ALT and click Preview to open a 2nd window.
    2. You will now have 2 preview windows. Reading the log, you will see one says "You are Host!" and "You are Peer!".
    3. Observe the "Peer Count" on both, it will be 2, which is correct.
    4. On the "Peer" window, click "Leave Room", you will see your PeerCount goes to 0, but then look over at Host, it still reports "2" and has no idea about the peer leaving the room. "On Peer Disconnect" doesn't trigger either.

    Scirra's Signalling Server Status

    Is there a way to see the status of the Scirra signalling server? Even things such as planned maintenance, just so we can know whether to debug our project extensively or not? I spent way too much time reviewing my events thinking I've messed something up.

    Below is my experience which I wanted to document as it was starting to get a bit tiresome troubleshooting the issue.

    Last night I was experiencing this very frequently, I left my project in this state as I couldn't resolve it, but testing this today without editing any events, I now cannot reproduce the issue anymore, it just works flawlessly... I had spend hours investigating this last night and still got the issue, but now it's ok and I'm not sure why.

    I've made a minimal c3p file that I will test if I find this issue happens again, and if it happens I will video record it as it may suddenly fix itself again in later hours.

    I was getting different results when doing the exact same motions of "Click preview, have two previews open, connected to signalling server, join same room on both preview windows", but once both windows have joined the room, either it would work fine, or the peer would simply be unable to send messages to the Host.

    I was definitely looking at the correct window, as I've plastered my project with debug info (which I've more than double-checked).

    The debug info logs any errors from the signalling server (none were appearing), and also logs all messages with "On Any Message Received", with no conditions other than to append text to a text object (that is onscreen at all times). All current room information is always displayed, the HostID is displayed, everything looks absolutely correct logically, but if the peer sends a "HelloHost" message (mapped to a key as a debug test, and I tap it multiple times), I can see the peer's log say that I've attempted to send the message to the host, but the host will either receive this or not (as in, I can send "HelloHost" multiple times, and the host will not receive ANY of these, or any other messages that I've programmed so far, even though debug info says we are in same room, peercount is 2, HostID is accurate when compared to the Host window, whether I change the message recepient to "" or muliplayer.hostID). But then, I could click preview again right after experiencing this, do the same exact steps, and it will just work, all accurate information, and the debug button is working and Host receives all messages. I did not pick "Unreliable" in any of my events, and had tested both "Reliable ordered" and "Reliable unordered".

    I left the project last night in this state as I was so bewildered as to what the issue is, and now I test today and it's working perfectly.

    EDIT3: Restructured whole post.

  • You don't need to do all of that. Just use the embed url of the video.

    On the youtube video page, click on the Share button. In the Embed option, look for the direct url of the src and use that.

    Or did you want separate sprites to use for the pause/play buttons? In that case, you'll have to use their API...


    Hello, many thanks for replying!

    I would like to use their API and send commands to the Youtube player, so I could do something similar to your example of using separate sprites to act as play/pause (and seeking which is most important for me!), but I have no idea how to apply their API this within the Event Sheet View.

  • Hello!

    I did a bit of searching and experimenting but was unable to figure this out! I've never used the iframe plugin before and my javascript knowledge is low.

    With an iframe that has a YouTube video within, how would be best to communicate with this? Would it be preferable to use "browser > execute javascript", or use the built-in javascript feature in C3?

    I wanted to be able to pause, play, seekto, etc.

    Many thanks for reading!

  • Ashley , I reached out to haypers and have been working with them for a couple of hours today, and I have found how to reliably reproduce this bug on my login.

    I think there's a bug either in the field mapping either when creating a keystore, or when entering the key and keystore passwords, as I can get a consistent "Bad password" error now.

    With the same project, same details, but the ONLY difference being the failed build uses two different passwords, and the successful build using the same password for both the keystore and key.

    Screenshot below. Left is the successful keystore, the right is the failed one (including me typing the password to rule out me typing this incorrectly).

  • Heya,

    I ran through doing these steps and it was working for me - I made a blank project (gave it the basic details and such) and then made a signed release APK, new keystore and everything.

    Build completes fine.

    Very unusual that you are getting this.