J2NGames's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Having issues setting my cursor to a sprite image.

    Size is small (30x30) and have tested again using a new project, but this just doesn't work like it used to.

    I use version control for my game and opened multiple versions from months ago that I know had no changes made to that interface and it still isn't working.

    Bug reporting with this platform is an absolute pain, but I'll do it if anyone else is seeing this issue.

  • This just happened to me and I feel like it's a bug.

    I am seeing a screen I've never seen before that I use for my object referencing:

    Normally there are many of my assets here, instead, just white.

    Seems corrupted and I'm scared to work any further.

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  • Construct seems to freeze when you do the following:

    - Open animation editor for any sprite

    - Right click the frame interface to import frames from a strip

    - Click cancel/"X" on the asset upload window

    - Click "X" on the animation editor

    - Construct freezes

    Please help/fix?


  • 3 posts