Black screen on preview

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Adjusting the game screen for different resolutions (Letterbox scale)
  • I've been working on a game perfectly fine for several months, but today when I loaded it up, the preview displays a black screen. I can still hear the music and the cursor, but the game itself doesn't appear.

    I then loaded an old save from a week or 2 ago, and that is also failing to load.

    I updated my graphics drivers in the hope that might fix it, but it didn't.

    I then redownloaded Chrome in the hope that might fix it, but it didn't.

    Finally, I went through all the Construct 3 settings, and eventually found that turning Worker mode off allowed me to see the game again.

    Is anyone else getting something like this happen to them? Has Chrome had an update that might cause this problem?

    Do I have to work with Worker mode off for the foreseeable future?

  • I've had this before, disabling worker mode also helped for me but the main issue was "composting mode" which I had as Low latency, but needs to be set to normal, then I could use worker mode fine and no more black screen. This only happened recently suddenly.

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  • This just happened to me and I feel like it's a bug.

    I am seeing a screen I've never seen before that I use for my object referencing:

    Normally there are many of my assets here, instead, just white.

    Seems corrupted and I'm scared to work any further.

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