Isedo's Forum Posts

  • Thanks man

  • Got it. so which is the best way to do digging?

  • CtrlHi folks,

    I created the splash page for my game (made for learning purpose only) where the player is choosing the character to play with.

    Once we click o the character, the name of the player is stored in a Global Variable.

    I would like to read that variable in the first Level of the game (the one which come after the splash page).

    I managed to this including the Event Sheet of the splash page in the event sheet of the Level 1 but I'm ot sure this is the correct way to do that since the event sheet of the splash page, includes also sound and other Events I'm not interested in including in the level 1.

    Is there a way to share a Variable across all the levels of the game without sharing the event sheet?

  • Thanks man. Why only with small levels?

    What about big ones?

  • While exporting for Android C3 says: Invalida application ID: must look like "

    I have no clue where and how to set it.

    Can u help?

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  • Hi folks, I created a level (learning purpose) where I have the Bg and a sprite which is the ground.

    I'd like the player to press the down arrow and start to dig (kinda as the digger game does). How this can be achieved?

    Consider my "ground" is a jpg image of a terrain. Not sure if it can be done but still, I don't necessarily have to do it this way.

    When we dig, in some way we create a tunnel. I understand that if I dig "down" i will have walls on my two sides and in front of me, leaving an open tunnel behind me. If I dig left or right, the wall becomes an open tunnel repeating the previous concept.

    Can anyone explain how the digging works and how to achieve it?

  • Awesome it worked! Now I have just to understand how to animate In the ground sprite which should enter as the Bg is stopping it's animation. Any advice? Thanks!!!

    Edit: I solved it. It's the Move to event but unchecking the Set Angle option.

  • Great tip! Thanks bro!

  • Hi folks, how can I approach the organization of a vertical platformer?

    The idea is for learning purpose only:

    The space ship should fall from the space. The player should drive the space ship down avoiding asteroids and once reaching the ground, he will just complete the level.

    Should I create a very long canvas and put all the elements into it?

    Is there a way in order to generate random obstacles without creating super long canvas?

    Any tip would be awesome, thanks.

  • Ok, I managed to make it work. Some trial and error but if works. Here is how it looks.

    Edit: yeah I thought it would work but it's not in every case...I leave it here for any reference.

  • Thanks a lot. Is there a way to check how much memory a game is using/consuming and can u tell how much is a good number and how much is to much?

  • Hi folks, I'm doing a testing platformer for learning purpose.

    The space ship is moving down (from top to down)while the infinite background is running under it on the Y axis. This effects is giving the feel of the SpaceShip moving forward but not Up but down.

    Most of the platformers have the space ship on the bottom and the background moves from top to bottom. In my case it's the opposite.

    After destroying 10 asteroids I want the ground to appear and this is I have no idea how to do.

    What I have is an infinite background moving on the Y axis giving the illusion of the infinite background. How can I smoothly integrate the entry of the "earth ground"?

    I thought about something like:

    Create a Variable for keeping track of how many asteroids we kill.

    When we kill 10 of them (system compare variable), something happens.

    I thought about stopping the move of the background resetting it's Y axis to 0 but this stops it suddenly resetting the position and it's not smooth.

    Than I thought to put the ground on the scene and make it not visible at the beginning. When the variable teaches 10, it will be visible...but as before, it's not smooth.

    Id like to stop smoothly the moving infinite background as the space ship would decrease it's speed and make the Ground appear as it's entering the scene from below.

    Hope it can make sense to you and someone could point me in the right direction.


  • Hi folks I'm new here and I have a few questions about the general setup of the layout:

    How big should be the size of the canvas? In terms of weight on the game and elements, is there any recommended size?

    Is .png24 a good format for importing graphics with transparency? Since it retains the transparency very well I would like to use it but will it affects negatively the size of the game?

    While working on a project for mobile phone, it is a good idea to build it with "arrow" controls in order to test it faster on the desktop computer?

    Any other strategic tips about how to approach a game would be very welcome.

    Thanks folks

  • Hi folks, this is how looks the exported png in the game play:[/img]

    This is how it looks in the viewport while building the game (as in Photoshop)[/img]

    Even if not perfect, the in game png looks pixellated, why is that? This happens with most of my PNG 24 images. Can u help?

  • Hi folks, The barrel has some physics and also the ground you see on the image.

    I highlighted the part on which the barrel is able to collide with but as you can see, after that small part, it starts to fall.

    Why is that?

    The player is able to walk on the whole surface.[/img]