Isaske's Forum Posts

  • I believe you're running into another version of the same problem I describe here:

    To put it simply, each script block has its own namespace, so the 'MyStreaming' variable isn't exactly destroyed - it simply cannot be accessed outside the block where it was created.

    The solution is to declare your stream in a way that's globally accessible. I don't know much javascript, so the way I've started to do it is by creating things by the window object, which is probably a dumb way to go about it, but works for me.

    What you'd do in your example is instead of declaring your stream using 'var myStreaming =', declare it like 'window.myStreaming =' - the window object will be accessible from your other block, and thus 'window.myStreaming.stop()' should hopefully work. Good luck!

    This works!!! the problem was the code window.MyStream.stop() for some reason does not work, but if it works window.MyStream.pause() without any problem! now I don't know which of the 2 ways to use :D!

  • In the end I did it using remote URL! Before I had already tried without success, but now when removing the codec in the Type parameter it worked magically!

  • I believe you're running into another version of the same problem I describe here:

    To put it simply, each script block has its own namespace, so the 'MyStreaming' variable isn't exactly destroyed - it simply cannot be accessed outside the block where it was created.

    The solution is to declare your stream in a way that's globally accessible. I don't know much javascript, so the way I've started to do it is by creating things by the window object, which is probably a dumb way to go about it, but works for me.

    What you'd do in your example is instead of declaring your stream using 'var myStreaming =', declare it like 'window.myStreaming =' - the window object will be accessible from your other block, and thus 'window.myStreaming.stop()' should hopefully work. Good luck!

    Thanks, it is true that windows works to keep variables from one block to another, but there is something that my code is missing, an id to identify the audio that has been played, since I can not even stop the audio within the same block.

    I have to investigate how to identify that audio, although I do not know javascript I will not give up!

  • I want to create an online radio app.

    I managed to play an external audio, but I can't stop it!

    apparently the mySteaming variable is destroyed after the script is finished. I'm obviously doing something wrong, can someone help me?

    Link Cp3



  • Excellent AllanR Now when the fps come down there are no big separations! just a few small movements that are not notorious, Thank you!

    I discovered that these jumps are the fault of the deltaTime, the head uses the bullet behavior and this uses the DT to move, and makes small jumps so as not to make the worm slow, and this is affected in the array, which captures the jumps too!

    if I eliminate bullet behavior and move my head with

    EveryTick -

    "movet a angle" = head.angle

    "distance" = 5

    then the jumps are eliminated!

    but it makes the worm slow when there are 40.50 fps

    Not all can be perfect!


    I also have another .. just add the behavior bullet in the body and each of them sige what lies ahead, does not pass exactly the same place as the head, that's why the trail of the hole appears in the last sprite of the body then it gives a feeling that if he does


    I don't know which one to choose XD

  • and dop2000 thanks for answering

    AllanR thanks for optimizing my array!

    what you have done with the worm looks good, I think I can work with that thanks!

    although I would have liked to do it with maths like option 1, but I do not understand well how to do it

  • hello I hope the experts can help me

    I have this game of worms and I have problems with its tail, the tail is updated with an array, Everytick

    but when there are screen frame jumps, the queue of the gusando separates doing this ..

    this is easy to see when you change the window and come back

    I have created a red sprite "Everytick" to be noticed also when it fails

    the question is .. how could you solve this?

    I leave the link to try it

    and capx link

    Thank you!


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  • very good, it makes the creation of the plugins much easier, the good work continues!

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  • Hi Isaske,I'm also searching how to save a .txt file on android and can't find any solution.

    Did you figure out how to do it?

    I did not find any way

  • Hi! when they deliver the C3 subscription?

  • AndreasR

    ready, the mistake was mine, this image explains everything,

    I was compressing badly .zip

    but the plugin I want to use still does not work, it's cranberrygame_CordovaFile_1.0.29

    I want to export a .text but in android it does not request the permissions to write in the memory

    I added the plugin to cocoon too and nothing

  • AndreasR

    I tried it with

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-file" spec="6.3.0"/>[/code:1ndmdbbn]
    [code:1ndmdbbn]<plugin name="cordova-plugin-file" version="6.3.0"/>[/code:1ndmdbbn]
    and the error continues to appear
    apparently it is not possible because the version does not exist
    [code:1ndmdbbn]"plugman.cmd install --platform windows --project /cygwin/project --plugin 

    cordova-plugin-filebck@6.3.0 --nohooks=.": Fetching plugin "cordova-plugin-file@6.3.0" via npm Failed to fetch plugin cordova-plugin-filebck@6.3.0 via registry. Probably this is either a connection problem, or plugin spec is incorrect. Check your connection and plugin name/version/URL. Error: version not found: cordova-plugin-file@6.3.0[/code:1ndmdbbn] [url=][/url] here says this "6.0.1 is the latest of 26 releases"

  • Cocoon

    [2018-03-02 03:40:00.799] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] cordova restore platforms
    [2018-03-02 03:40:00.812] [DEBUG] AndroidBuilder - [prepare] adding engine android@6.2.3[/code:1t5y1xdk]
    [code:1t5y1xdk]Installing "cordova-plugin-file" at "6.0.1" for android
    Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova-android version. cordova-android: 6.1.2, failed version requirement: >=6.3.0[/code:1t5y1xdk]
    just buy this package for this plugin,
    I needed it for today, a pity
    I wish I could update this plugin anyway