IPHAT's Forum Posts

  • I managed to get test ad shown on screen, but for some reason is showing in the center of the screen, but i have set in the event that ad is shown on bottom of the screen

    I tried building app with Phonegap Build, using <gap:plugin name="cordova-plugin-ad-admob" source="npm" /> plugin and in Intel XDK with AdMob plugin.

    For events in Construct i tried using official Construct 2 AdMob plugin and those paid Cranberrygames Admob plugins, but same thing is happening.

  • Why is this plugin deleted? I used in my old project latest version, but right now i can't get it... So yeah, months of work, all for nothing.

  • Thanks! I made it work!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I have another question.

    In this game i will have 8 items, but only 3 will be randomly shown on the screen and user must click on them in specific order.

    Let's say, there are 8 food in stock: pizza, hamburger, fries, noodles, salad, soda, ice cream, cheeseburger. On the start of the game only 3 random items will be shown in three fields and user must click on them in specific order

    1. Cheeseburger

    2. Pizza

    3. Fries

    When user clicks in correct order another batch is randomly generated and shown again in the screen. How do i do this? Is there any tutorial for something similar to this?

  • Thanks! This worked!

    I just found one error in this code, but i fixed it!

    On touched Dressbuttons action need to enable effect and Function need to disable it

  • Hello!

    I have one really nooby question. I guess it's very simple but i really don't know how to implement it. I have 7 buttons on my interface, added to a family called "DressButtons". I want when i click on one of them to turn off all other buttons. So when user click on Button 1 and then click on Button 2 i want to Button 1 be turned off. Right now i have to click same button again in order to turn it off.

    This is my current event sheet:

    I have tried picking all instances with this boolean enabled, but it's turning off previous and current button that i have pressed.

  • That's not main problem, i fixed that 2 minutes after making first post. Main issue is not showing animation on peer device

  • Would you mind disabling R0j0hound's outline effect? I can't open the file to take a look.

    CAPX updated

  • I am trying to make this Zelda like multiplayer dungeon crawler, but i have some issues.

    When there is more than one player game is behaving strange, it's not scrolling to my player, it's scrolling somewhere between me and other player. Also other player is not changing it's animation when walking. I read whole multiplayer article, here on Scirra website, but with no help.

    You can download this capx and see it for yourself.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/561 ... daRPG.capx

  • I will try that out...but why the native C2 plugin won't work?

    That plugin is used only if you are planing to make Facebook game (HTML5), so if you are planing to add Facebook features into your Android app, only solution is Cranberrygames Cordova plugins.

  • try with cramberry plugins

    I tried them and they work great! Best $5 ever spent!

  • Yeah, i will use some JS libraries to resize picture on the server in order to create thumbnails

  • Use "Pin" behavior to attach one sprite to another.

    So add Pin to the arm, the add event System - On start of layout -> arm - Pin to object Body

  • Hi!

    I have one questiom about Sprite action "Load image from URL". Is this function just loading image from URL or it's downloading picture into memory and then showing it?

    I need to know this. Let me explain why.

    In my app user will hit BROWSE button and then screen will show with small thumbnail pictures that will be loaded from the server and when it clicks on one of the thumbnails Construct will start downloading this picture and then it will load that downloaded (bigger) picture into sprite.

    There will be a lot of thumbnails, so i am afraid that my app will consume a lot of memory if " Load picture from URL" is downloading and then showing picture inside sprite.

  • Will author of this plugin ever be online? I payed for this week ago and i didn't get link!

    If someone have this plugin, please contact me, I will pay you to send me this plugin!