IPHAT's Forum Posts

  • Hello!

    I'm having a little problem here. I'm making some kind of interactive YouTube player app, and right now i'm having a headache trying to solve this problem. As you can see on the screenshot on the right side of the screen is playlist, that is populated by the YouTube videos. So, let's say that user adds 10 videos on the playlist, only first 6 is shown and by using mouse scroll it can scroll to other videos.

    Mouse wheel events are used for setting start number. That number is used to set from which element of array loop start.

    Function that loops through elements and writes all required data on the screen. Start number of loop is set by mouse events above and it loops through the whole array and populates all fields with required data.

    I think that i'm on right track, but for some reason it doesn't work xD

    Can you help me with this?

  • How do i make User Media plugin to work on Android?

    I'm building this app on PhoneGap and i see that camera plugin is installed, but for some reason it doesn't work on android. I have tried adding android permission in config file, but it doesn't work either. I have also tried using Cranberry plugin for camera, and it doesnt' work.

    Is there any way to make camera to work on android?

  • I want this to work, SO BAD! Im sure it does. How do I point this to a file or User Media to decode. I dont understand the work flow. Can someone help me?

    I also want to know how this works... Can plugin maker please explain how it works? :D

  • Can you tell me what would i have to change in order to enlarge objects back to the previous size?

    Like what you did here, but in reverse.

  • If you want to do that in the editor you can select the objects, right click on that, and select wrap selection (shortcut key is return I think).

    If you want to do it when running the game you can do this:

    Global number scale=0.5

    Global number centerx=320

    Global number centery=240

    Start of layout

    — sprite: set x to (self.x-centerx)*scale +centerx

    — sprite: set y to (self.y-centery)*scale +centery

    — sprite: set width to self.width*scale

    — sprite: set height to self.height*scale

    That will scale around any center instead of just the object centers.

    To have actual resize handles at runtime is a bit more involved. There is a resize handle example you should be able to find with the search I think.

    This code doesn't scale object like in the gif that i posted above. I know about wrap selection, but that can't help me, because i want to resize sprites inside the game, during runtime.

    Your code resizes sprites like this:

    EDIT: I had pin behavior enabled, so resizing was wrong in this gif. When i turn if off during resizing it works perfect. Thanks!

  • Is it possible in Construct to scale multiple sprites like this?

    When i try to scale them via actions, they got resized based on their origin point, but i don't need this method. I would like to resize it like whole object. Is it possible to group objects like this and then to scale them down (resize) all together?

  • I'm working on NW.js, so rex_rainbow YouTube plugin doesn't work. Is there any other way to embed video into Construct? I have tried with iframe and div plugins, but for some reason they don't work too. Anyone have working example how to embed YT video in construct?

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  • I have file that i got from File chooser plugin and i want after some other actions to release that file, to reset file chooser object. How can i do that? I have tried Release file action, but it doesn't work.

    I tried Action Release file - Fileurl FileChooser.FileURLAt(0)

    I also tried Action Release file - Fileurl 0 and Action Release file - Fileurl "0"

  • Hello! I'm wondering if any member on this forum has ever made Facebook web app (game that is playable directly on facebook)? I have looked at documentation and tutorials about Facebook object, but i'm still having some questions.

    -How do you automatically login to Facebook?

    Facebook login action requires that you must click on something in order for login window to popup, you can't put Login to FB action in "On start of layout" event. So, how FB login works on Facebook directly, is there any way to login as soon your app is loaded?

    -Size of layout?

    What is the size of layout for Facebook web app? I'm currently developing my game on 720p resolution.

  • Thanks! It's working! Only thing i lost is blinking cursor on TextBox, but i can live with it

  • I'm making some kind of text parser, and i'm having this stupid problem <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I have figured out that Construct 2 is not activating Keyboard events while Textbox is focused (while i'm typing). Is there any way to change this or to make some kind of workaround? Anybody got similar experience with this?

    CAPX: https://app.box.com/s/f3fahtbhcff4srfi5fgncp30erygjvmo

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hahahahah, i'm so stupid

    I managed to generate CSV, using For Each XY element, adding values from the Array (with the "," next to it) to the Text object and when column is completed it's adding new line and then repeats this for whole Array.

    Thanks anyway rexrainbow ! Your plugins are the best!

  • I need Array2CSV not CSV2Array

  • Is it possible to use this CSV plugin as array? I guess if i need to export my database as array, i will have to edit my project to use CSV instead of Array. I have looked at your examples, but i really can't figure this out, like why i have to name every colon and row?