HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

  • What's the longest you have ever Planned A Game? Like really sat down, calmed for a second and planned everything out before even trying to do it in Construct?

    My maximum was for example 4 days writing stuff in a notebook, watching videos on how I could add psychology to my characters, thinking out a style and atmosphere and then sorting it out in Google Docs, coloring it etc.

  • Still, thanks for taking the time to reply

  • The built in mp plugin.

  • I've been stuck on multiplayer for the past two days and I just can't get a sense for it. I read thoroughly through the ten page multiplayer manual twice and I understand how it all works in theory. I've also been through the pong and real time examples in depth, but there's just too much stuff in it and I can't seem to simplify it for myself enough, the game always breaks. I've been editing the game, trying different things, works badly. So my please is; if anyone who is good at multiplayer could just make a simple capx example with 2 squares on a surface and whenever a square collides with the other, they both get destroyed. I know it's much to ask and I don't expect to get an answer, but this would help me greatly to understand how it works and to get a sense for it.

  • I don't really like using image points for when I would need them outside of my character sprite, I like to have things like "sensors" visually in my layout so that I can tweak their positioning faster. And I did "when the ground curves inwards, you need to check overlapping higher than the character's feet level." this using image points in my main project. Assigned one to the bottom left and another to bottom right, so it's checking every tick if the image point is not overlapping the ground and adjusts the rotation accordingly. Works fine for now. -I might edit the tutorial into using only image points and add more overlapping checkings, but they aren't very newb friendly and I made a beginner tutorial (a foundation to build up upon).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Made a tutorial about it so that other's dont' have to go through my struggle ... he-terrain

  • Cloverload


    I was thinking about that as well, but I didn't think it would perform well either and lerp came nowhere near my mind

  • I've been playing around trying to make a nice way of making the player's angle be the same angle as the ground using physics. It kinda works, but it's buggy because of the physics rotation... I've been thinking of making empty line sprites and use them as a collision system and set the player's angle to them, but I guess it would take too many resources and affect the performance. There must be a better way to do this. Any suggestions?

    This is how almost all the ground in my game looks like:

  • How does rescaling it to 25% fix the problem? Could you further explain

  • Let's say I make a 16:9 -> 1920x1080 game

    How would it get rendered on 16:9 -> 3840x2160 monitor?

    Would the sprites get pixelated? If so, any suggestions on how I could use smaller sprites and scale them without significant quality loss?

  • Gracias, will do.

  • My C2 is bugged and I wanna completely uninstall it. Removed it from %appdata% and regedit already, but there are still leftovers...

  • I'm not going to use Unity just because the lighting is so weird in it and I can't make nice lighting, while in Construct I can, with ease.

  • I'll look into everything and I'm sure I can figure something, seems more than possible from your replies #) Anyways, thank you all for the amazing replies, it helps a lot =]

  • Is Don't Starve basically a 2D or a 3D layout which just has a camera which is under a certain angle? I believe it's 3D, still unsure though.

    Do you think Construct 2 is capable of such a game? The collisions could be for example just the bottom of trees, bushes... So that movement is possible behind the trees on different layers, that would give the world sort of an effect of the world being 2.5D-ish. =]]