hiisileiri's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • I tried to build few prototypes but get some problems:

    - i used tilemaps, and by when making action that is for touch-gesture behavior for one tilemap- object, and action happens to all tilemap objects even these different type of tilemaps have different names, and

    - Using line of sight behavior and the program does use commands "is in sight" and as inverted "not in sight" below the another command, and this is for the one same type of object that appears multiple time in the scene, but then only one object is following the code correctly and other objects won't. So i removed "not in sight" from the code and it works better but then missing the other important feature.

    Also program crashed once when copy-pasting code

  • At least now i downloaded the AMD graphic driver, and there are a real difference: my version was 8.982.0.0 (https://www.amd.com/en/support; my driver's last updated on summer of 2012!) and now it is up to date. The browser works way more faster now as i can see on the first look. It has been using the outdated version because i received the graphic card from another user a few years ago.

    I reviewed the links and get onto them as i have more time soon. I found also some links and video tutorials on You Tube to fit everything and use the "Anchors". The Construct support and help site is not revealing solutions to all problems, but it does it's best i guess. Some things are self-evident especially to the professional users. E.g. i don't know about the shortenings or most shortcuts either, as there are many things to do.

    The "line problem" has not solved; it appears when i change the window size in to other. Also it might be caused by using the Crop Tool in the sprite editor (in the image). Still seems the driver updating solved and upgraded the fps- performance.

    Where do i upload the crash reports? Is this line problem a crash or bug, or anything like that? I also tried the new plugins, (rex tweens, moveTo- plugins) and the project crashed; it does say afterwards "if you make a report, include this text"...and so one, so i start looking up for the crash report submitter.

  • 1. Use the Patch Selection Tool into the canvas on the layer: drag the area you want to being included.

    2. Select Draw Tool.

    3. Move your cursor on the layer onto the Tile Map you're editing. Click Left mouse button to paste the current selection you have. You can also erase bunch of tiles by the Right click.

    Check also these so you'll save the time:




  • Hey! Thank you for your answer, and thank you for your time!

    I check the system requirements, and on first look i cant see anything be wrong with my pc model performances: e.g. i use Chrome and Win7 for now. There might be issue with a graphic card (it is from 5 years ago), but if someone else have this same "sprite-line" problem, it could be on something else, but if it is only me and my pc, it should be on my issues only. I cant export the on the mobile devices while i do not have the; on the other hand i would be able to open saved project on the mobile devices browser.

    I can't use the family behavior either for now; is just come up with the performance errors and other issues on using the program so i don't want to subscribe the license for now. There are just always something going wrong and can't figure out what is it

    (origin points, plugins and/or behaviors compatibility on each other, performance problems; or even sold assets are good but expensive, or cheap and unready) so i start the new project all again.

    I share again the pictures: i have not either idea should i do use 1080p or 720p on project's preset; or even 4k, and how does it matter if i have just 1 rotating circle sprite and it still is laggy.

    I don't know either about the cpu, and why on the letter box sized game it is faster and CPU is over 80%, and on full screen CPU is less than 40% and all performance slower and laggy.

    So the question is; does anyone meet up with these problems on their works, and where is the help page (Scirra's or the others) or the problem solving solution's.

  • dropbox.com/t/FDBk3nqTrpy6wP6F

    Link to the edited demo!

  • Hey! Thank you for your answer!

    I look up the Drawing Canvas plugin, and found the origin setup for it (different location than with Sprite plugin).

    Sometimes it is just better to ask help from the forums; this time i get known about the drop box's transfer!

    I got the template and edited it. I send it now back to you, as i hope it to be. You get my point of the idea well from the description in my message.

    I have some few more questions:

    - why sprites sometimes has the line in side of them (see in the picture "Sprites lines").

    - how do i complete with the same object the colliding tasks: for example, i would like to check if two bullet collides each other, and want to some actions made by the the bullet which was the colliding bullet, and them some other actions to happen to the collided bullet; but as they have the same object type, how the engine handle the "order" of the script.

    - how does the scaling game play- screen (windowed resolution) affect to the game's fps and overall game play: does this mean if i play with larger screen (phone-> tablet) the game gets laggy, and/or while the lag is on my pc, it will be/not to be more laggy on the mobile export, as because the mobile devices hardware performance should be slower than pc's.

  • I'm about to try reduce the frame rate of my game project. I have rotating circles around the game world and flying bullets. On colliding circles bullet attach ("pin") at the edges: This makes the object for to heavy for cpu and e.g. and lows the fps, as i see this is the problem.

    I try to use Drawing Canvas instead of using pin's, by pasting all the objects to canvas, but the problem is i can't have the Drawing Canvas- plugin to have the center ("origin") to the middle of the object to make circle rotating around it's mid-point.

    Any advises?

  • Hey Dop, thank you for your answer!

    I realized the exact solution you come up with, but after 1-2 hours later i made this post. I were not able to reform this topic while it was locked for the "topic verification"- issue.

    There seems to be many problems with tile map, so i finally decided to create a post: for example, there are no option to "rotate" the tile maps, and editing size of the tiles collision does not always work correctly.

    Here is an example picture of the project with i'm having problem issues; the "player base"- cube can't move with tile map-movement, because it's some way in the "tile map" solid where i placed it. Collisions surround the whole tile maps tiles, non at where i placed solid to it in the tile map collision editor.

    An additional bug is that the tile map doesn't rotate with the behavior-element.

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  • I tried for the Tilemap "Tile Erasing"- action, with find the path- object on the same project: the path finding cannot create a path trough the erased tiles from the tilemap i use. Any help? Suggestions, or bug fixing?

    I used the "Tilemap Destruction Template" - template on the base of the project code.

    The code-work does work well with the platformer-plugin - the objects still falling trough, but not working with find the path- plugin.

  • There are one physics-platformer template-asset to purchase on Scirra's store, but I wasn't convinced with it. I also tried to combine a platformer-behavior with the physic-behavior into the sprite-object, but it does not seem to work well: Walking on the solid objects or jump into them below works not well.

    Could a Scirra's team create a working physic platformer tutorial for the users? There is couple of topics on the Forums but having no clear and working solutions. There already is a platformer and physics -behaviors in the engine for use, but who can be sure they really work together, with easy or/nor by the hard way.

    For example my game concept requires a solution to create a simple 2d-action Puzzle game including some jumping-/ and ball shooting elements.

  • Hey all C3-professionals and the other programmers!

    I want the whole game step by step to being created and there some steps i need some help for an active programmer. I have great game designs and if you are interested to do collaborate, you should have a freelancer account. We shall collaborate via "Freelancer.com" because imo it's safe way to use currencies and create payments for the treated tasks. By using the service on freelancer.com we both should follow the procedures of this service and since using this website we are truly collaborating as a "contestor" and a "freelancer".

    The project description (and hopefully the next procedure for you and me):

    The project is for the android and IOS and is on the developing stage. It remainds a lot of the game named "Rovercraft" (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobirate.rovercraft.gplay) My game basically should work like the original game, just like the "Rovercraft's does and most mechanics should work kind of the same way. I hope you first check out this specific game and start review which is the best way implement the main features of the game. Or if you have already enought skills and time to work on my tasks, please contact me or reply on this quote. You can also contact to my scirra- account on the website (and while it seems to be impossible, use the following e-mail joonatan129@hotmail.com, thx). Since i own the C3-Subscription -licence i understand the basics about the C3 game-engine, but i still have no enought time and skills to program the whole game by myself - even while it's seems to be more simple to do with Construct-engine and with it's assets. As a indepented game developer i have learned the basic steps of creating games and had some practice and gain experience. If you get interested, please make a comment or send me an e-mail with portfolio and your bid!

    The initial contraction we should make before starting:

    Things you'll create with C3-software by my support, you have the full permissions use work free, but not for the commerical use. You shall provide these finished and paid works for me to an and for unlimited use. We'll be using the placeholders and if we've both agree, the finished also paid works can be published on the Scirra-store for the benefit of both. Since we start working, the project and all material including demos and any other parts of the project we are working on, are confidential. Designer (me) for the paid works, decides when or what to being published.

    About the Budget and salary:

    The whole project will being made by using the Construct game-engine. While both of us are using the licenced Construct-engine, the overral bugdet will stay on low. As you might see, the original game the Rover Craft, is not very large game and it's mechanics are quite simple AND some of the behaviors which the final game will contain, already exicsts on the c3-engine. We both will gain the benefits from "source code" after the tasks are created. So this is why we have to negotiate more precisely what behaviors we'll be using when making the project. The editor for the rover, variabled items, blueprints which can be saved for the later use and other objects and statuses, which are need to be saved, also smooth driving system and optimized scroll-maps and behaviors makes hitches to me while starting to create the prototype of the project. Since i'm making the nice placeholders and doing the concept designs with models, i consider the average price per task/hours you spend on this project should be low as $10-30/h. Including that you may have done these kind of tasks earlier and you even may have the very similar asset being sold on the scirra-store already, we'll both use and own the "source code" separately based on the C3-engine. PLEASE NOTICE that doing on this freelancer project (or other freelance-projects) should not to be your maintain income; just because this project should not provide to you the whole maintance for your life and dreams - AND why, because i'm poor and noob as indie gamedeveloper's usually does and this means the AVERAGE BID SHALL BE ON BETWEEN $10-30/PER WORKING HOUR and corresponding to quality and experience and to some of the distress my small tasks may give to you. The project author is situated at the Finland, i'm a single person (not a company - at least not yet) and i though i really have to set rent to my bodyholes if needed budget raises to level of the athmospheres.

    Thanks for your interest and cooperation thoughts!

  • 14 posts