Thank you, the conditioning of else worked for not walking diagonally. I am more used to it in Basic programming...
About get neighbor tiles, using Expression:DIR2UID(uid, dir)
- UID ( number ) : The UID of chess.
- Direction ( any ) : The direction.
Then use condition: pick by UID.
I am trying to understand this.
the dir, is it in string like "up", "down", etc.. or in numbers - which numbers? 0, 180, 270, 360? Figured out this one, it is 0, 1, 2, 3.
I have tried to apply it like this:
board.dir2uid(player.uid, 0) it just response of -1 and then I tried to put (player.uid, "down") then it responds with Player's uid, which is not what I wanted.
(player is a sprite, only for the player guy to walk around. the tiles are from a sprite with animation frames used together with tmximporter and board)