Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • IntelRobert

    Any comments on the subject?

  • Well unfortunately i was right, i added an event on back button when canPlay = 1

    to pause the game and show the exit button, but it closes the app.

  • I didn't change much.

    In the permission tab i have only:

    In app browser and splash-screen enabled (but previous exports with more permission worked as well, so i don't your problem is there)

    In the build tab under android-crosswalk:

    I filled in the normal values for app id/name/desc etc.

    The app version and version code i had to change on the second export so google play will let me upload the file.

    Domain access i left with *

    and cli version with 3.3

    I checked the full screen box

    orientation: landscape

    install location: default

    i check the signed box

    and i used crosswalk beta

    I also uploaded icons and splash screen images (all images must be located inside the www directory of the project before selecting them.

    That's it.

    As for exiting the app with the back button, that's another strange thing, it exits with the back button regardless to any events calling it, i think it's something new and built-in xdk, i have only one layout in this project, so i don't have any events to switch layouts on back button or anything, but i believe if i did, it would close the app as well, which is not a good thing at all...

    Just to make it clear, i have an event on back button/touch sprite - browser close.

    This event only works if var canPlay = 0

    but it closes the apps even when this var is = 1

    I hope this helps you guys.

  • there is a fullscreen option in the android tab and also in the crosswalk tab, make sure you checked the crosswalk one, that goes for all the other settings.

    my apps runs and compile fine, in full screen with audio and everything, i just can't perform browser actions.

  • Anyone got problems with browser commands with the new XDK?

    i have a button for browser-close and another for opening a url in a new window, both of them stopped working in the latest version.

    I have in app browser permission enabled, am i missing something else??

  • but how do you move the sprite in the 3d environment?

    sprite can only move in x and y.

    and also, i am not sure that the x.y of the 3d object is the same as the x.y of a sprite

  • sure, no prob, good luck.

  • something like this?


  • you can make a text global var and store: "rgb(255,255,255)" in it.

    or have 3 number vars, one for each color

    and then set to fill with:


  • I can do these interaction, the demos looks pretty simple, do you have a full product characterization?

    You can also contact me at

  • Try Construct 3

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  • did you set the animation speed to 0?

  • Ok, thanks for the answer.

  • and if i am designing for chrome/android and limit import to ogg files?

  • Is it possible to play a real-time imported (using FileChooser) audio file in construct 2?

  • I second that.