Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • There are a few ways to achieve this, first you can use Y vector instead of jump with positive and negative values for up and down.

    The platformer behavior also has an action to set gravity angle, so you can change it to pull up.

    You should disable Default controls and set your own set of events, then you can choose which key does what and when.

  • you need to have an instance of "sprite" on at least one layout to use it.

    you also need to position it in the place you want it to be pasted to, before pasting.

    and the canvas did not turn white, it became clear since you cleared it in the event, the white is coming from the layer background color.

  • From what i know WebStorage values are kept in strings, so try int(WebStorage.LocalValue("HighScore"))

  • Help Toby save Sara from the vicious alien!!!

    Controls and gameplay:

    *Clear all boxes by touching the box with the answer to the math question.

    *Avoid the laser! - Touching to the left or to the right of the character will switch walking direction.

    *Knock out the bird to reveal the right answer and gain bonus time - Touching the top part of the screen will make the character jump, try catching the bird.

    *Extra time bonus for 5 correct answers in a row.

    *Extra time bonus for 3 correct answer in less than 5 seconds.

    *Destroying an electrified box will destroy all other boxes with the same number.


  • Thanks, I am glad you liked it!

  • Ashley It's not that important for now, but if you can add it to your todo list, a clear path action will come in handy, i still have problems when switching layouts, i need to manually add this.s=0 to the stop function on the runtime every update to fix this.

  • here you go:


  • Cool, the emulator is not that important though, it works on the apk, that's what really matters.

  • IntelRobert You're right, i am sorry it was a faulty event on my code.

  • It seems like the call to browse close and open url are fixed now.

    But the back button still kills the app.

  • amkp Did you manage to get opening a url to work in the new XDK?

    I tried with all permissions on and it still didn't work.

  • well yeah, it's called XDK, why not let it sign it for you?

  • you need android sdk for that, but the signing of xdk is not a debug signature, i uploaded a few apks to production in google play using xdk signing with no problems.

  • Thanks!

    They are very different games, the first one was a 1st person, puzzles only and i did everything by myself, including the graphics which is all made out of free tiles and sprites i put together (i am not that good with graphics), the second one is a more traditional 3rd person adventure and i have 2 pro 3d designers on the team, which makes all the difference!

    But both had their own challenges, code-wise.

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  • so here is another little trick for you:

    event 1

    if up+down+left+right is not down

    trigger once

    set golval var sAngle to sprite.angle

    event 2

    if up+down+left+right is not down

    sprite set angle to sAngle