Headbang Games's Forum Posts

    Fyi I'm on v268 with crashes.

    Just testing...

    I think something is wrong with this thread, I previously received a few email notification on replies that are not showing up here.

    Does anyone see posts beyond the 15th reply?

    Probably not it either, my project uses 29MB and crashes.

    My objects are also in folders and I experience crashes, so it's probably not that :(

  • You can't.

    Think of a particle emitter as a canvas that's drawing particles, those are not actual objects, with all the overhead objects have, including collision detection.

    You can only check collision on the Bbox of the particle object.

    To get more control over the particles you would need to make your own emitter with a sprite object.

    It will have more overhead cost for processing, but it's the only way.

  • How about simpley scrollTo touch.x touch.Y?

  • Try Construct 3

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    Happened to me a few times, mostly when returning to the project window (alt+tab) from nwjs preview, but also sometimes when I accidentally double click stuff.

  • Locking orientation doesn't work when running a hosted web export on an android device from a chrome web app view (adding url to home screen).

    Here's the capx


    And the hosted export


    Chrome version: 73.0.3683.75

    OS: Android 6.0.1

  • Hi All,

    We're getting very close to the end of our Alpha version cycle and getting ready for Beta testing.

    About the current Alpha version of the game:All the game features and levels are implemented.

    Remastered graphics are at about 85% (a few more in-game objects and UI reskin are left to be done).Intro sequence is still a draft.

    More music will be added.

    You can try out Bad Run TE online for free with no registration/download needed by visiting this http://headbangames.com/badrun/play

    The game runs on any device with a browser and webGL support, you can play it on your mobile/tablet with touch or PC/Console with keyboard+mouse or gamepad.

    In short, Bad Run TE is a Runner Metroidvania Platformer, read more about it here,


    We would love to hear your feedback!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Bad Run is a spin-off of Bad Pad, featuring a casual but action packed, auto-runner, metroidvania platformer.

    Bad Run - Turbo Edition includes a new gameplay mode with three castles to explore metroidvania style, remastered graphics and much more!


  • I don't mind putting in the extra effort, I'm already managing my NWjs and greenworks builds manually :)

    Thanks again for sharing the info, I'll give it a go.

  • Thanks for the link, very useful, I will certainly give it a try!

    I see in the documentation that it is also using the same greenwork plugin, which currently support NWjs up to 33.3 and electron up to 4.0 beta 7, which is also not the latest version available, you still depend on greenheart updates, which comes about twice a year.

    I'm working with NWjs 33.3 with the latest greenwork plugin and I have no issues with steam overlay, achievements or window capture in OBS, though game capture doesn't work.

    But i'm more intrigued by your statement "I've got better performances according to my tests" this enough is a good reason to switch.

    Did you test it on linux as well?

  • > InsaneHawk Would you mind trying out the new window implementation of NWjs?

    > All you have to do is, use a more recent version and add the mentioned Chromium arg to your package manifest file. You will know that it works, if it displays native Chrome stuff after pressing "F11" to go into fullscreen mode. (This is currently a bug and will get patched out soon.)


    > As a side note, the mentioned multi-process architecture isn't the issue. I've done tests in the past when single processing was still working and it didn't help with the capture at all. Main reason for why I removed it from the Roundup, besides every 2nd update breaking the feature. It's something on the GPU side of NWjs that some, especially free recording software doesn't like.


    > I've had success with receiving an answer from the OBS team in the past and they pretty much just told me that, it's the user's responsibility to pick a working mode for recording/streaming and so on.

    Well, I've switched to Electron and I'm happy with it, I'll most likely don't go ever back on NW.js now.

    Thing is, that I was stuck using an old version of NW.js because of their Greenworks plugin, which is forcing you to use a specific version of NW.js, in order to make it work (which obviously didn't work, since I had to find an alternative to it, being Electron (Overlay issues)

    Hi, can you please share what other issues using electron over NWjs solved for you?

    How did you get the steam overlay and achievements working on electron without greenworks?

  • On start of layout update your object with a variable containing the original X and Y of the object.

    Then move it relative to that.

  • You can put them in a container, then when creating the object all related objects in the container will also be created.